Here is a list of fictions that I've found to be quite inspirational, and even got me started writing. Hope you enjoy them!

Do you know a fiction worth recommending? Email me!

Damage by Indie

All of the readers who think that B/A is just a natural born love story, think again. Damage is an Alternate Reality fic, which makes you rethink that B/A were made for each other. It's a classic love hate relationship that you really just can't ignore!

Secrets & Lies by Gia

This is a rewrite of the gag worthy BTVS S7 & ATS S4 (with the exception of the Fresley kiss, of course *G*). It's basis is the fact that Cordelia has been, ya know, deceptive from the very beginning. On the upside, there is B/A smutty love, as Gia knows how to pull you in with the sexual healing.

Scratch by Ducks

If you are looking for a good angst series WIP, then Scratch is it. It shows what happens two years after Buffy S7 and Angel S4 (assuming that Angel never got renewed). It tells the tale about Buffy & Angel's issues from their respective time apart, and why it's so hard to trust one another. Though the series isn't quite finished yet, I highly suggest reading it!

Closer by Tango

For those of you non traditional Verse people, this is definitely a godsend for you. Written by the indescribable Tango, Closer revolves around an AU plot where Buffy & Angel are now separated, but in the end, still manage to find a niche that involves them being together.

Tradition by Cat D.

This is one of the few fics below an NC-17 rating that I've read and found it to be so intense and lovable. It basically veers off into cannon in Buffy S4 & Angel S1, and shows how in the near distant future, when Angel is human, that he and Buffy still have forces against them from being together. It does have Buffy/Riley to start out with, but it comes with a happy ending, I promise!

Someone Else Is In The Wings by Starrkitty

This classic rewrites the much hated Waiting In The wings, but with a B/A style twist. If you're looking to get the disturbing image of Agonizing Constipation out of your head, this fic is definitely for you.

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