Adding A Tag

1-Think of a unique name/sign.

2-Open Windows Movie Maker.

3-Click on Tools>Titles and Credits.

4-Click on Add Title On Selected Clip

4-Click on More Options: Change Title Animation.

5-Scroll up to Titles-One Line: Subtitle. Double click on Subtitle.

6-Click on More Options: Change Text And Font Color.

I reccommend moving your tag to the right side, because it is the least distracting.

7-Click on More Options: Edit The Text Title.

8-Using your keyboard, enter in your specified text that you want labeled as your tag.

9-Click on Done, Add Title To Movie.

Make sure you double check your tag before you click on Done, or else you will have to redo it.

10-Hover your mouse to the bottom of the screen, and click on the magnifier.

11-Drag your mouse across the end of the text sample, to extend the tag.

Now, you’re done! So tag your merry way with your many vids!

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