Chapter 2

"So, what's the deal with you and Mr. Angel?" the teenager asked his mom.

"Connor, please." Buffy told her son. "Stop being so concerned about me. Angel is a very old friend from Sunnydale, that's it."

"So, you knew him when you lived on the Hellmouth." Connor guessed. "Is he my Dad?"

"Connor!" Buffy scolded.

"Is he?" Connor asked. "Come on, Mom. I just wanna know."

"Yes." Buffy nodded. "There was this day a few years before I left Sunnydale. '99, I think. I went to see your Dad in L.A. and something happened. A demon attacked and he became human. We tried to logic ourselves out a relationship, because of the whole 'grr' thing. But you know how much patience I have. We ended know. And then, well, you know. And one more time, well, you know."

"Mom!" Connor said. "I'm gonna be scarred here."

"Sorry." Buffy said. "Anyway, Angel, your father, went to go battle this thing by himself. He almost and would have gotten himself killed if I hadn't made Cordelia tell me where he was. Your dad went to see the Oracles the next morning and asked them to turn the day back. Make him a vamp again so that I could live. But there was a price."

"And what was that?" Connor asked.

"My memory of it." Buffy told him. "I lost my memory of that day, Connor. I don't even know how I got it back. Something or someone must've liked me enough to give it back to me."

"And Dad doesn't know that you know?" Connor asked.

"Not 'til just now." The ex-vampire said from the doorway.

"Angel." Buffy stared at him, mouth opened. "Oh God."

"Dad." Connor smiled. "Mom was just..."

"Telling you're your life story, I heard." Angel said. "Connor, could you give us a minute? Or ten?"

"Sure." Connor nodded. "I'll be out in front, Mom."

Connor shut the door quietly. It was strange to see his parents together. He walked out to the front desk with a big smile on his face.

"Angel." Buffy said. "What are you doing here? I thought you had some urgent crisis to take care of."

"Is he--Connor--really my-I mean, our- son?" Angel asked her.

"Yeah." Buffy nodded, looking down at the floor. "I know it's a lot to process, Angel."

"How could you keep something like this from me, Buffy?" Angel snapped.

"I did what I thought was best at the time." Buffy explained. "You were involved with Cordelia and I had just gotten it through Spike's head that I didn't love him. What did you expect me to do?"

"You could have called." Angel suggested.

"And say what?" Buffy yelled. "That I was gonna have a kid and I didn't even know who it's father was? I don't think so. Giles was already shocked. Willow and Xander didn't even know. And Spike--"

"Spike what?" Angel scoffed.

"Spike triggered it." Buffy remembered. "He knew."

"How would Spike know?" Angel asked.

"I don't know." Buffy shook her head. "But he did. He was acting strange that night, Angel. Oh god, Angel. I don't think that was Spike I was talking to. I think it was something else."

"Something else such as?" Angel asked.

"The First." Buffy said. "Oh god. I think I was talking to the First Evil, Angel."

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