Chapter 6

Elizabeth landed on both her two feet in a local graveyard. She brushed off the apparent grass stains off her clothes and continued on.

“I must be in Los Angeles.” She murmured as she saw Angel Investigations. “Here I come, Daddy.”

She walked in the building and Wesley looked up. Elizabeth had to restrain herself from hugging her uncle.

“Can I help you, Miss?” he asked her.

“Where is everyone?” she asked. “Angel, Cordelia? Where are they?”

“They’re out on a case. Can I help you?” he repeated.

“No, I’ll wait.” Elizabeth sat down.

“What’s this about?” he asked, trying to make conversation.

“I need to talk to Angel.” She repeated. “I’m sorry, Mr.?”

“Pryce. Wesley Wyndam Pryce.” He introduced himself even though Elizabeth already knew exactly who he was.

“It’s nice to meet you, Wesley.” Elizabeth flashed her brightest smile.

“Have we met?” he asked.

“I don’t think so.” Elizabeth shook her head.

“You look awfully familiar.” He commented right before Angel walked in.

*Daddy!* Elizabeth’s mind screamed out and frowned when she saw Cordelia.

“You shouldn’t have followed me, Cordelia.” Angel argued.

“I’m fine, Angel. We’re alive, right?” she commented. “It’s all good.”

“Angel--” Wesley interrupted. “This young woman has been waiting for you.”

Angel turned to look at Elizabeth. He knew he’d seen her before, but from where?

“Can I help you?” he asked her.

“Yeah, you can.” She nodded. “I’m not from around here, you see. I’m from the future. A future in which you and your family are in risk of dying.”

“Time travel’s impossible.” Cordelia muttered.

“Says the seer who lives in a world with vamps and demons.” Elizabeth retorted. “We’re not far from the End of Days, Angel. You know about the prophecy, you know what it means. A Slayer is going to die. You know which one, too.”

“What exactly is your mission here?” Angel growled at her.

“I’ve been sent by the Powers That Be to make things right.” Elizabeth explained. “In the future, Faith’s dead and you’re freaking out because…”

“Because what?”

“Because Cordelia told you lies about people.” Elizabeth snapped.

“I would never do that.” Cordelia protested.

“You will.” Elizabeth warned her and turned back to Angel. “You have to stop it.”

“How?” Angel asked. “What do you expect me to do?”

“I think you know.” Elizabeth warned. “In the future, Miss Chase has you wrapped around her little finger. My mother could die because of her. Don’t you care about innocent people dying?”

“I do, Elizabeth.” Angel nodded. “But how do I know you’re really from the future?”

“Two days from now, Willow is going to call here to tell you that Buffy’s alive.” Elizabeth explained. “You two will meet somewhere between Sunnydale and L.A.”

“Buffy’s back?” Wesley asked.

“She will be.” Elizabeth promised. “That’s not all. Lorne will tell you about kyerumption and Fred will tell you about moira. Two warriors who meet and seal their destiny as soulmates. They’re going to try and push you and Cordelia together.”

“How do you know all this?” Wes asked, amazed.

“Hello, from the future?!” Elizabeth snapped. “Look, don’t let your guard down, okay? Just trust me when I tell you that no good can come if you and Cordelia get together. The future will cease to exist, and so will a lot of people, including Buffy Summers.”

“She’ll die?” Angel asked.

“You already know the answer to that, Angel.” Elizabeth reminded him. “I’ll cease to exist, too. Along with Willow, Xander, Giles, Doyle…All the people you care most about.”

“Where are you going?” Angel asked.

“I’ve got others to see, Angel.” Elizabeth told her father. “Especially one incredibly soon to be risen brassed off vampire Slayer. Maybe I’ll stop back by. Don’t forget what I’ve told you.”

“Thank you, Elizabeth.” Angel told her.

She walks out and is able to get around the corner, before Faith appears. She is looking extremely pissed off.

“What?” Elizabeth asked.

“Rule number one, never tell anyone the truth. Your cover’s been blown, Liz.” Faith told her. “Cordelia knows who you are now. She’ll come after you now. You’ve got to be ready for her. She’s never wanted Buffy and Angel together, not even when she was dating Xander Harris.”

“So, she’ll come after me?” Elizabeth nodded. “My parents taught me to fight well, Faith. I’m not afraid of her.”

“Cordelia fights dirty, not like the fighting you’re used to.” Faith told her. “Are you prepared for that?”

“I will be.” Elizabeth assured her. “I’m ready for anything that comes my way, Faith.”

“Good.” Faith smiled. “Look, I have to get back. You’re on your way to the ‘Dale?”

“Yeah, I’m going to catch the next bus out of here.” Elizabeth explained.

“All right.” Faith nodded her consent. “I’ll see you soon, Elizabeth.”

“Later.” Elizabeth agreed.

*Here I come, Mom.* she thought and a big grin formed on her face. *One down, one to go.*

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