Carry On

By: spoiledsquish

Disclaimer: Not mine. If you don’t believe me, then watch Waiting In The Wings or A Hole In World for further indication that I don’t, nor never will, own them!

Author's Note: This is just a fic that I decided to write on a whim. Title is from Britney Spear’s “Everytime.”

Distribution: My site, Seductive Web, PPA, Enchanting Place,, WTTS, PFYL, TEF, Sempiternal Beloved...If you host my fics regularly, feel free. If you don’t, just ask and most likely you shall receive.

Summary: Buffy finds out Angel was in Rome, and reflects on their former relationship.

Pairings: B/A

Rating: PG-13, I suppose.

Spoilers: Angel episode 5.20, “The Girl In Question”.

Dedication: To Torey, ‘cause she inspires me to keep writing. You are my inspiration and the reason I keep writing, sweetie. This one is for you.

Buffy walked the streets of Rome, lonely and confused. How could Angel have been here, in the same city…no scratch that, in the same club as her and the Immortal and she not have known? Could they really not feel each other anymore? Was even the slightest bit of hope to hold onto?

Or were things so out of place that they couldn’t be fixed?

She didn’t know anymore.

Maybe she had lost hope. Maybe true love was just a lost cause, a dream that only came true in those fairytale books your parents read to you to make you go to bed and not be afraid anymore.

She wasn’t done baking. She knew that was certain. The reality was, maybe she never would be. Maybe no one ever finished finding out who they were, all that they were capable of.

Maybe she had to just be.

Maybe she should stop making all the wrong choices and learn to exist in the world, a world where she was loved.

So, why were things never that simple and yet still so confusing?

Pushing the thoughts out of her mind, Buffy continued to walk the streets of the city, feeling so out of place as the people walked past her, without a care in the world. Most of them would never know the world she knew, the losses, the triumphs….None of them would ever know.

The world kept moving.

And she was just a pretty face in the crowd, a crowd of millions.

That was enough, for the moment. She would always have her Angel, no matter where she was.

And for the first time in many years, Buffy Summers was finally at peace.


© Seductive Web 2004