Chapter 4: Fox-Trot
“Sit down, sit down. I’ll get you and Rupert some wine.” Max told them.
He holds out Jenny’s chair for her and she sits.
“Thank you, Max.” she nodded.
Giles and the waiter hold out Buffy and Cordelia’s chairs. After his daughter’s are seated, Rupert Giles takes his own seat.
“This is Dr. and Mrs. Giles, Buffy, Cordelia. This is your waiter, Riley Finn. Yale Medical School.” Max introduces them.
“Aha.” Giles nods.
“Nice to meet you.” Jenny smiles.
“Riley, these people are my special guests. Get them anything that they want. Enjoy.” Max smiles and leaves.
“Thanks, Max.” Giles told him.
Fast forward to the end of dinner. There’s mounds of leftovers on the table.
“Look at all these leftovers. Are they still starving people in Europe?” Jenny asked.
“Try Iraq, Mom. With all the war and everything….Don’t you watch the news at all?” Buffy asked sarcastically.
“Oh, right.” Jenny nodded.
“Riley, Buffy wants to sent her leftover dinner to Iraq, so, um, anything you don’t finish you wrap it up.” Giles ordered.
Riley smiles awkwardly at Buffy.
“Max, our Buffy’s going to change the world.” Giles explained.
“And what are you going to do, Missy?”
“Oh, Cordy’s going to decorate it.” Buffy interrupted.
“I think she already does.” Riley cleared the table.
Cordelia smiles shyly at him.
“Doc, I want you to meet someone, My grandson, Spike. Goes to the Cornell School of Hotel Management.” Max gleamed proudly.
“Oh, Buffy’s starting college in the fall.”
“Oh great.” Spike smiles and Buffy. She smiles back awkwardly.
Pan to the dance floor. Buffy and Spike are dancing. Spike’s trying to make conversation.
“Are you going to major in English?” Spike asked.
“No, Economics of underdeveloped countries. I’m gonna join the Peace Corps after college is over.” Buffy explained.
“After the final show, I’m going to France with some of the other bus boys, backpacking for five months.
Flash to Tito, the band director/instructor, who’s tapdancing.
“This is our own Tito Suarez.” The Announcer exclaimed.
He and Max do a tapdancing segment. Everyone claps. Song ends. Flash to another part of the dance floor where Darla and Angel have just arrived and are clapping as well.
Buffy's eyes couldn't help but wander towards him and wonder who that mystery man was.