Chapter 2

~Sunnydale, CA~

"It's practically vacant." Angel said when they reached his former town. "Where is everybody?"

"You'll see." Cordelia promised him.

She entwined her hand in Spike's as he drove to the Sunnydale High School Campus. Their relationship wasn't the most conventional, but hey, when was Cordelia Chase ever conventional? Angel got out of the car when Spike parked the car. There was no one outside and the building was dark.

"They're probably at the Bronze." Cordelia smiled as they drove to the club. The place was crowded and loud music blared through the speakers.

//Without the mask
Where will you hide//

"I see Willow. I'm gonna go say hello." Cordelia rushed off, leaving the two vampires alone.

"What's up with her?" Angel asked.

"Look, mate. There's something you gotta know, about Buffy." Spike told him.

"Spike, come on. I can deal with Buffy." Angel said.

"She's not the same, Angel. She's different, more dedicated to the cause." Spike explained.

"What is she, then?" Angel inquired.

"She's a Slayer trying to do what's right." Spike sighed. "We all work with her. A steady paycheck is what keeps us all in those fashionable clothes on our backs, blood in our stomaches. Wesley's kind of her metor/advisor. He's in charge in case anything should happen to her, God forbid."

"What are you saying, Spike?" Angel asked.

"The Council. Buffy's the head of the Watcher's Council." Spike told him. "They needed someone with experience not only in the research department but the fighting department as well. Buffy, being in the I-just-defeated- the-First-so-bring-them-on mode volunteered. She trains the Potential Slayers and goes out hunting with them as well. Giles wanted to train the Potential Watchers, but with him dying Buffy asked Wesley to take over the responsibilty."

"How long as she been doing this?" Angel asked.

"Almost five years." Spike sighed. "She doesn't love me, Angel. She shut herself off when she signed on for the responsibility. Sometimes I catch her brooding, reading up on all the Watcher Diaries about Angelus, the one with Angelic Face. You're the reason behind this, man. You always were and always will be. She's given up on the normal life."

"Is she coming?" Angel asked.

"She'll be here soon." Spike went to dance with Cordelia. And Angel waited for his beloved.

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