Fallen Angel

By: spoiledsquish

Disclaimer: I said to Joss, “You make Agonizing Constipation kiss one more time…”
And he did. Shows how much I don’t own them.

Author’s Note: I came up with this idea while sitting at my computer, silently cursing whoever gave me a stupid virus so I couldn’t touch my Internet. Also, Spike and Angel were never vamps. They’re just like the rest of the gang…normal and in high school.

Distribution: My site, Seductive Web, PPA, Enchanting Place, Revamped, Fanfiction.net, When The Sun Sets, Poison From Your Lips, Breathe No More, Sempiternal Beloved...If you host my fics regularly, feel free. If you don’t, just ask and most likely you shall receive…unless, of course, you’re someone who loves to make my life a living hell, and who likes to plagiarize every thing I do….then your answer is…HELL FUCKING NO!

Summary: Alternate Reality. Buffy/Roswell crossover. Max, Michael and Isabel have searched everywhere for their fourth alien. What if the person that they’d been searching for had been living a whole different life…a life that was classified as a vampire slayer?

Pairings: Max/Liz(eventually), Michael/Maria, Alex/Isabel; Buffy/Angel (eventually), Willow/Oz, Xander/Amy, Faith/Spike, Cordelia/Doyle, Fred/Wesley, Giles/Jenny. Implications of Max/Buffy and Michael/Isabel.

Rating: R, with an NC-17 reserved for the sexual scenes later in the fic.

Spoilers: Most of S1 of Buffy, but with a few exceptions. Angel and Spike aren’t vamps, Cordelia’s not a super nazi bitch, Oz is already there, and Doyle, Fred & Wesley are just part of the gang. All of the couples from Buffy, with the exception of Giles & Jenny, go to high school together. Only Xander, Willow, and Giles know she’s the Slayer. The rest of the gang just think Buffy’s odd and eccentric.

And we all know the Roswell gang to their respective school together. Most of S1 on Roswell is covered as well, up until the point where ‘Tess’ comes to town…Tess doesn’t exist, and if you’re confused by now, it’ll make sense later. Also, the Pod Squad already knows about Pierce. Don’t ask why. They just do. Other than that, everything’s covered.

Timeline: 2000. Both gangs are sophomores in high school.

Dedication: To Liz, who shares in my Roswell obsession, and to all the Roswell shippers, respectively…I miss y’all!


~Roswell, New Mexico: September 2000~

“There’s more of us?” Michael prodded.

“One more, at there was in 1959.” Max explained. “An even four, a…”

“Square.” Isabel interrupted. “If there’s one more, then what happened after the crash? Are they out there somewhere, searching for us? Are they dead by Pierce’s hand? This doesn’t make any sense, Max.”

“I had a flash, Isabel. In the pod chamber, there was another, a girl.” Max sighed. “And when we left, she hadn’t been born yet. She’s out there, and we need to find her.”

“Have you forgotten that Pierce is practically onto us now?” Michael fumed at him. “Any suspicious activity, and we all could be dead by tomorrow.”

“Michael’s right.” Isabelle agreed. “We can’t just go searching for our long lost alien paramour. It’s too dangerous, Max, and Pierce would most likely be onto us in a moment’s notice.”

“Then it’s settled. We won’t go looking for unawares.” Michael nodded his head.

“I’m sorry, I can’t agree to this callousness.” Max seethed. “I have to find her. She may know how to work the orbs. This is our last chance of communicating with our home, Michael, and I don’t see how you both can be so daft about it.”

“This is my home, Max!” Isabel cried. “This is the only home I’ve ever known, and I won’t have you put my life, my future, at risk while you go traipsing around like a self righteous martyr, searching for someone that just isn’t there.”

“Then you’re against me.” Max commented, braking the car. “Get out.”

“What?” Isabel asked. “You’re kicking me out of the car?”

“Both of you.” Max nodded to Michael. “You too.”

“I can’t fucking believe this.” Isabel retorted, slamming the car. “When Pierce catches you, don’t expect me to feel sorry for you. You and your morbid obsession with our origin is what’s driving you to this insanity.”

“My finding out our origin is the only thing that is keeping us alive.” Max bellowed. “If you can’t believe that, then you both deserve to burn.”

Isabel and Michael watched as the Jeep gunned out into the street, darting an oncoming collision. Onlookers gasped at the two teens, to which Isabel and Michael scrambled away.

“I honestly don’t know what is going through his head right now.” Isabel murmured. “This newfound fixation on who we were or may have been is what’s tearing us apart right now.”

“We just need to keep our guard up.” Michael commented. “While Max is gone on this escapade of his, we have to keep a low profile, just the way we’ve been doing. Act as if we’re normal.”

“We’ll never be normal.” Isabel reminded him.

“No, but we don’t need anyone catching onto that now, do we?” Michael arched a brow.

“Of course not. I’m not asking that we compromise our very existence, Michael. Max is doing that all on his own.” Isabel scowled. “Some days that boy is so stubborn...”

“And some days, he’s right on target.” Michael sighed. “Come on, let’s get you home.”


“So?!” Maria asked the following day.

“So what?” Liz shrugged.

“How did your date go?” Maria paused at Liz’s confusion. “Your date, last night, at Senor Chow’s, with Max? How was it?”

“I don’t know. Max never showed up.” Liz replied, shirking the subject off.

“And you’re not surprised by this, because…?” Maria pressed.

“Max has seemed kinda distant lately. I just assumed his flakiness was in reference to that, no big deal.” Liz replied.

“No big deal? Liz, he’s been swooning over you for months. All of a sudden, he misses a date with you, your three month anniversary, if I remember properly from the millionth time you mentioned it this past week, and yet you’re not surprised that he flaked on you? Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” Maria frowned, pulling her aside.

“Very funny, Maria. I’m just not worried, is all. I’m sure for whatever reason that Max missed our anniversary last night, there’s a logical explanation.” Liz shrugged. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll ask him today in class, okay?”

“My work here is done.” She sighed in relief.

“Isabel, Michael.” Liz nodded as she and Maria witnessed them approach. “What’s up? Where’s Max?”

“He didn’t tell you?” Isabel inquired.

“Tell me what?” Liz asked, a frightening glare marring her features. “You both know something. Where’s Max?”

“Not here.” Michael muttered to them.

“Fine, we’ll go to the desert.” Liz agreed. “Just let me make an appearance in Trig.”

“All right.” Isabel nodded. “We’ll meet you there fifth period.”


“He what?!” Liz shouted. “There’s a fourth? How did you not know this before, Michael? How long has this secret been going on? How long has Max been lying to me, to us? I thought we all agreed not to keep secrets from each other.”

“Isabel and I just found out last night.” Michael defended. “We’re not even sure how long Maxwell has been keeping this from us.”

“So he’s known for a while.” Liz deduced.

“We’re assuming so, yes.” Isabel frowned. “He kicked us out of the car last night and took off before Michael and I could really question him. He doubted our loyalty to him, and our origin, and kicked us out. He assumed that we didn’t understand and that we had no intention of doing so. He almost got hit after he took off. We’re not even sure where he went.”

“I’m sure he’ll turn up.” Alex vowed.

“This isn’t like him.” Isabel continued. “He’s never been one to be so irresponsible. I just wish we knew where he was.”

“Could this fourth alien, be someone here in Roswell? I mean, do we know of any other adoptions that took place around that time?” Maria questioned. “Maybe we should start searching there.”

“I highly doubt he’s still in Roswell, Maria.” Michael shook his head. “He made it seem like we were going to have to go through hell or high water to locate her.”

“So this fourth alien is a girl…a woman, then?” Liz gulped.

“Yeah, two boys, two girls.” Isabel shrugged.

“I think we should just wait it out. I’m sure wherever he is, he’ll come back soon. I mean, your parents are going to realize sooner or later that he’s missing and that’s just going to draw attention to not only himself but your whole family. And you know for a fact, Valenti will get involved at that point.” Maria remarked. “I’m with Michael, we should just act normal, not to be conspicuous for any reason.”

“I agree.” Alex nodded.

“That’s three against two. We’re keeping a low, normal profile then.” Michael interrupted.

“He’ll be all right, Liz.” Maria consoled her. “Nothing’s going to happen to Max.”

“I know.” Liz rolled her eyes. “You’re right, I know. I just get the strangest feeling that nothing’s ever going to be the same, ever again.”


~Sunnydale, California: September 2000~

“What do you think of this one?” Buffy asked Willow cheerily. “Too slutty?”

“You wore that one on your date with Owen two months ago.” Willow reminded her. “Just admit, Buffy. You like him. More than like.”

“Don’t be silly, Willow. It’s just a bunch of us, having a fun time at the Bronze. It’s not couple-y at all.” Buffy squirmed.

“No?” Willow shrugged. “Then you won’t mind if I call Angel up and invite him to bring a date.”

“Don’t you dare!” Buffy replied hastily.

“See? You do like him.” Willow chuckled. “Why don’t you just ask him out, Buff?”

“Do you remember my last date, Willow? I almost got him killed.” Buffy reminded her, searching for an acceptable pair of shoes.

“Yeah, but Owen was different.” Willow argued.

“Yeah, how so?” Buffy pressed. “Neither of them knew I was the Slayer, as you recall. I think the only difference between them was their names and looks, you know.”

“Owen was helpless, Angel’s not.” Willow noted. “Besides, he more than likes you. I don’t think the fact that you kill vampires for a living is really going to matter that much to him.”

“No, just the fact that Buffy’s a freak who spends her late nights at cemeteries killing the undead. Yes, Will, that’d go over real well.” Buffy rolled her eyes. “Let’s just leave the whole ‘Angel and I’ subject alone. He’s got the whole mysterious boy thing going and I’ve got the inevitable short lifespan. Why go there?”

“Buffy, just because Slayers have the short life thing going on doesn’t mean you can’t go out on a date. There could be…coffee.” Willow beamed.


“It’s the non relationship drink of choice.” Willow sighed. “Sure, it’s hot and bitter like a relationship that way, but there’s no reason why two friends can’t enjoy a caffeinated beverage and comfortable conversation together.”

“You’re brainsick.” Buffy replied, pulling her hair back from the inside of her jacket. “I can’t have a relationship with him. It just wouldn’t work, Willow. So, just leave it be.”

“Fine. I won’t mention it again.” Willow pouted. “But did you see his arms? Those are nice arms to have.”

“When did you see his arms?” Buffy gaped.

“About the same time you saw his tattoo.” Willow smirked and continued, “Gym class, when you made me sneak into the boys locker room to pants Xander.”

“That was pretty funny.” Buffy giggled. “Enough with this reminiscing already, we have a club to get to, friends to meet.”

“Right, cuz being ‘fashionably late’ is so ten minutes ago.” Willow rolled her eyes. “Sometimes, you can be such a…a…”

“Perfectionist?” Buffy asked.

“I was gonna say time crazy ho, but that works too.” Willow nodded. “All right! All right, I’m coming.”

Max Evans watched the two teens converse as they walked down the street. He knew it was her from the moment she stepped out of that house on Revello Drive. Buffy Anne Summers was the fourth alien, the final step in the square.

Next Chapter

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