Letting Go

By: spoiledsquish

Disclaimer: Not mine. If I did, do you honestly believe I would tear Fresley and B/A apart?

Author's Note: This is actually a one chappie fic. Yay for me! I’ll finish my other fics sometime in the future. Hope everyone enjoys this.

Distribution: My site, Seductive Web, PPA, Enchanting Place, Fanfiction.net, WTTS, PFYL, TEF, Sempiternal Beloved...If you host my fics regularly, feel free. If you don’t, just ask and most likely you shall receive.

Summary: Buffy reflects on her life and the lives of her friends.

Pairings: B/A, C/S, W/O, W/F, X/Other, and J/K (Jessica & Kevin. You’ll understand soon enough.

Rating: Nothin’ real bad, so PG.

Timeline: Many years Post Chosen. Takes place in L.A. and in Buffy’s POV.

Dedications: To Ash, who urges me to continue writing. And to Chad, who finally updated “Your Cheating Heart” over at Baby Blues’ site. Love to you infinity!

Hi. My name is Buffy Anne Summers and I’m a vampire Slayer. The first of the last generation of them. I live in L.A. with my sister Dawn and our friends.

I bet I know what you’re thinking. What the Hell is a Slayer, right? Let me give you a little background info.

Into every generation, a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. She alone will have the strength and the skill to hunt the vampires. That’s what I’ve been doing for most of my life. I’ve killed millions of them, even one that I loved.

My one true love? Stuck a sword in his gut. He got swallowed into Hell. Luckily for me, fate and the Powers That Be, bless their souls, brought him back. He left me about a year later. Tried that old ‘normal life’ routine on me. It worked for a few years.

I dated other guys after him. Let’s see….There was Parker, Riley, Spike. Parker wasn’t even really a boyfriend. He was one of those one-night dates, one-night fucks. Wasn’t even worth telling about. I mean, the boy’s penis looked like a old and wrinkled tootie roll pop.

After Parker the asshole, I met Riley. Actually, I met Riley before Parker, but I wasn’t with Riley before I was with Parker. Make sense? Anyway, I met Riley. Sweet, caring, All American farmboy Riley. He wasn’t even boyfriend material. God only knows why I dated him for a year and a half. Thank God that boy got married. To a sweetie named Samantha.

And then, there was Spike. Yeah, William the Bloody, that’s Spike. He was my ex’s um…childe? Did I say that right? I used him for sex for about a year. Depression is not your friend. Then he tried to rape me, which, as every girl knows, isn’t really a big turn on for girls. That summer, Spike went out and got a soul…for me. Unfortunately, that didn’t change things between us. I forgave him, but I don’t love him. I don’t think I ever did.

Back to the gist. I’m a Slayer, and I fell in love with a vampire. He’s that true love guy I was telling you about earlier. His name’s Angel, formerly Angelus the Scourge of Europe. He’s awaiting his Shanshu at this very moment downstairs. For those of you who don’t know, a Shanshu is when someone becomes human. He’s been around since the 1700’s, which is a Hell of a long time to be celibate.

Angel and I reunited about two years after my town, Sunnydale, got swallowed. It had its own Hellmouth. The place is still there, the rubble and whatnot. It’s an actual landmark for the state of California. My two best friends, Willow Osbourne and Xander Harris had to lobby for it. Marched up to the state capitol and everything. It was pretty impressive. The state wanted to build a shopping center there. A mall on top of the Hellmouth? Please! Although, they’d probably have kick ass shoes there…..

Oh. I almost forgot. I mean, can you believe it? Willow did end up getting married to Oz. It was touch and go there for a while until we researched and came upon some interesting information. It was Veruca, the werewolf that Oz slept with who caused him to leave Will, who’d cast the spell. Turned Willow into a lesbian.

Oh, but they got together. About four years after Angel and I. They finally tied the knot about two months ago. I was Willow’s maid of honor, big responsibility, I know! Angel and Xander were Oz’s best men. Is that how’d you say that?

Speaking of the Xand-man, he just got asked out by this hottie named Jenna. She seems normal, which is a major plus for him, and for the rest of the Scooby Gang.

Oh my God! I’m babbling incoherently now! Moving on….Cordelia and Wesley. So, after Spike came back from the dead, for the second time, he developed a little crush towards Cordy. She was in a coma at the time. They hooked up, courtesy of my brilliant matchmaking skills. Angel didn’t and still doesn’t approve, but any retard can see those two are a match.

Wesley? He finally got the girl of his dreams. Winnifred Burkle, better known as Fred to the rest of us. Those two married before any of us and had twins. A little boy and a girl that they named Connor and Joyce. It was a very sweet gesture and I love them even more for it.

Gunn and Giles? Want to know about them? They died. Gunn got killed by this nasty old vamp. Only met the guy once but I gotta give him props. That boy can throw down like nobody’s business. In fact, if Faith wasn’t with her boyfriend Robin, I could have totally seen those two together.

Giles died about a year after Sunnydale perished. Heart attack. No supernatural force, just a fucking heart attack. His time to go, I guess. And if I learned anything while living on the Hellmouth, it’s that you can’t predict anything. I miss him. He was the only father I ever really knew. My real dad and my mom divorced when I was 15. He never kept in touch.

I don’t know if this means anything to you. I’m not sure if this helps. Andrew, Dawn’s fiancée, suggested a few years back that I make a video for future Slayers. So, I just hope this helps you. And there’s one more thing. A very wise woman once told me that talking about being a Slayer and actually acting like one isn’t a job. It’s who you are. I want you to realize that. Your calling is a gift, not a sin. You’ll learn that.

(T.V. shuts off)

“Watching the video again?” the voice asked.

“I’m sorry, Kevin. I just can’t help it.” the woman told him. “It’s the only thing I have left to hold on to.”

“Jess, look. I know you miss your mom.” Kevin hugged her. “I’m sure Buffy was a good woman. And I’m positive that all she ever wanted was the best for you.”

“I know.” Jessica sighed. “It’s just--Daddy was never the same after she died. I miss both of them so much, Kev. I still--I just with that they were still here.”

“They’ll always be here.” Kevin assured her. “In your heart, in your soul. People die everyday, you know? That’s just a part of life.”

“You’re right.” Jessica nodded. “I think I’m finally ready to let go.”

Buffy closed the visionary cloud after Jessica said those words. The blonde Slayer turned to the man standing next to her.

“What?” Buffy shrugged. “I came, I saw, I closed. No harm done.”

“You’re a worrywart, baby. You can’t help it.” Angel caressed her cheek. “Part of the reason why I love you so much.”

“Liar.” Buffy grinned. “But, you’re right. And I know I’m finally ready to let go. I guess I just needed time. Heals old wounds, right?”

“Healed yours.” Angel reminded her.

“Come on.” Buffy grabbed her soulmate’s hand. “I got a game of strip poker to kick Spike’s ass at. Captain Peroxide is going down.”

The two starcrossed lovers walked hand in hand until they disappeared into the cloudy mist. Everything was finally right in the world.


© Seductive Web 2004