Chapter 3: Life Is What You Make It Out To Be

-Four Months Later, Day Before The Wedding, 9:25 a.m.-

//Don't make me cry
I've got trouble with goodbye//

"How do I look?" Sarah asked Monique.

"Like a vision." Monique squealed. "But I still think--"

"As my maid of honor, you are supposed to be encouraging me to marry the man I'm engaged to, not ditching my own nuptials and drive to Vegas to be with another man." Sarah reminded her.

"Do you think he'll show?" Monique wondered. "I know he left a lot sooner than you anticipated."

"I have no idea." Sarah sighed. "But I can't worry about it. I'm marrying Phil tomorrow and nothing is going to change that."

"And I'm happy for you." Monique nodded. " I just think that you are marrying the wrong guy tomorrow."

"And I don't." Sarah disagreed. "Now help me get out of this thing."

"Fine." Monique sighed as she unzipped her dress. "Are you gonna call him?"

"No." Sarah told her as she came out of the dressing room. "Tomorrow I am going to be Mrs. Sarah Alexander Day."

"Sarah Day." Monique sighed. "Or Sarah Meneses. I vote for number two, don't you?"

"Hardly." Sarah said as she unlocked her apartment door and checked the recent mail. "Oh my God. It's from Miguel."

"Ooh." Monique winked. "What does it say?"

"He's not coming." Sarah's face fell. "Paradise is overbooked and they're short staffed. "

"That's bad?" Monique scoffed. "I thought it was a good thing now?"

"He's the only person that I wanted there to wish me support, Monique. " Sarah explained. "So postpone it for a few days." Monique suggested. "Just until he can get away."

"No." Sarah shook her head. "I'm not going to postpone my marriage. I will marry Phil tomorrow whether Miguel is there or not."

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