Playtime’s Over

By: spoiledsquish

Disclaimer: Not mine. If I did, do you honestly believe I would tear Fresley and B/A apart?

Author's Note: This is a little fluff piece based on what happened in the B/A centric scene in “Fredless” where Cordy and Wes act out our fave couple’s romance They really pissed me off in their crappy display of the “Buffy and Angel Show” so I wanted to get back at them.

Distribution: My site, Seductive Web, PPA, Enchanting Place,, WTTS, PFYL, TEF, Sempiternal Beloved...If you host my fics regularly, feel free. If you don’t, just ask and most likely you shall receive.

Summary: B/A get back together during their offscreen meeting. They come back to Los Angeles to witness Wes and Cordelia’s “display”. What happens afterwards is anyone’s guess.

Pairings: B/A, Wes/Cordy/Angel friendship.

Rating: PG-13.

Spoilers: Up to the opening credits in “Fredless”.

~Los Angeles~

“…Bite me!”

Buffy heard Wesley makeshift growl and couldn’t help burst out laughing. Cordelia looked back and saw the two lovers.

“You’re back…”she replied nervously. “Both of you.”

“Yeah.” Buffy stifled another laugh. “You think that was our relationship, Cordelia?”

“I was just showing Fred here, um…uh…” Cordelia was at a loss for words.

“Whatever that was, it sure as Hell wasn’t Angel’s and my relationship. Is that what an outside observer thinks about us, baby?” Buffy winked back at Angel.

“Yeah.” He nodded. “I think so.”

“Huh. Guess we’ll just have to work on that then.” Buffy smiled.

“What? ‘We’?” Cordelia repeated. “Why is there a ‘we’? There’s no ‘we’ here.”

“Well, Cordelia…” Buffy rolled her eyes and continued, “While you and Wesley here were putting on that mockery of mine and Angel’s relationship, Angel and I talked.”

“Is there a point to this conversation?” Cordelia huffed.

“Yeah, and I should get back to it.” Buffy nodded. “The gist is, I’m moving in.”

“But you...he…you can’t have sex.” Cordelia reminded her. “Gypsy curse.”

”You think I care about that. Sex isn’t everything, you know.” Buffy told her. “Don’t worry. Hellmouth’ll still be guarded 24/7. Having a Wicca and a chipped vampire in love with you does wonders for your social life.”

“But you’re the Slayer.” Wesley butted in.

“Mmm, don’t remind me, Wes.” Buffy sighed. “The Council has decided to call another Slayer. With Faith in jail for murder and me dying, they want fresh meat. She should be arriving in Sunnydale within the week.”

“And what of Dawn?” Wesley asked.

“Dawnie jumped at the fantastic opportunity to leave Sunnydale and live with Giles in England.” Buffy explained. “Besides, some days she can use a swift kick in the ass and Giles is just the person to give it to her.”

“So, you’re really staying?” Gunn smiled. “Cool. I’ve never met a Slayer before. Cordelia says you’re a real bitch.”

“I don’t take orders from anyone, including you. Other than that, we’ll get along fine.” Buffy said sweetly. “Anything else? Can we stop giving Buffy the third degree now?”

“This is gonna be the longest *fucking* day of my life.” Cordelia whispered to Wesley. “God help us all. Hurricane Buffy has arrived and is ready to conquer.”


© Seductive Web 2004