Challenge 11:

Five Years Post Chosen

Angel is preparing for his last battle as a vampire. He and many other warriors have gathered in the Hyperion to discuss battle strategies when Darla orbs in. She confesses to Angel that she has a message for him from the Powers That Be.

The message is that his redemption will be complete if he finishes this final task. He has to protect a blonde woman from dying. She’s a key player in the PTB’s future. Angel asks Darla how he’s supposed to find the woman and she tells him that the woman will find him.

Darla disappears and just as the group is getting ready to go out there and fight, Faith and about 40 other Slayers walk into the Hyperion. She and Angel embrace and tells him that she’d heard he needed backup. Minutes later, Wesley walks in helping an injured blonde Slayer inside. Faith gets a first aid kit and asks Wes where he found Buffy.

After Faith tends to her wounds, Buffy insists that she go out there and fight alongside them. Angel tells her that she’s wounded and orders her to stay behind. When the army goes to fight, Buffy follows them. She watches as Angel kills his enemy and witnesses firsthand his Shanshu.

Must Haves:

B/A ending.

Faith telling Buffy she regrets trying to destroy her life.

Buffy telling Angel that she was happy it was Spike that died in Sunnydale.

A wedding (cough *B/A* cough).

Darla appearing to Buffy and telling her that she always was Angel’s salvation.


Oz and Willow showing up to tell everyone they’d reunited in Istanbul.

Cordelia waking up from her coma and accusing Buffy of stealing Angel away from her.

Xander showing up for said wedding.

Lorne telling Buffy that for a while he had thought Angel was in love with Cordelia.

Rona telling Angel how much of a hero Buffy really is.

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