Challenge 12:

Twenty Years Post Chosen

Spike never died during Chosen. After Buffy confessed that she loved him, she and Spike ran off to London. After years of on-again off-again dating, Buffy realized she never loved him. She boards the first flight to Los Angeles, hell bent on seeing her former and one true love.

Once she arrives there, she learns from Wesley that Angel and Cordelia are engaged and planning to marry. Buffy leaves and races to Sunnydale, only to find her town is still a big hole of rubble. When Cordelia and Angel’s wedding day arrives, Buffy watches from a nearby bush. Chaos and angst ensues.

Must Haves:

Someone breaking off the wedding at the altar.

Spike getting caught by Buffy having sex with Drusilla.

Xander telling Buffy ‘the wedding from Hell’ got called off.

Giles has to be dead.

Angel’s human.

The Cordettes throwing Cordelia a bachelorette party.

Angel getting drunk and telling everyone the whole B/A love story.

Faith appearance.

B/A ending.


Leather pants.

Wesley finding out that Buffy was supposed to lead Angel to his salvation.

The phrase “A Hellmouth almost swallowed you whole? Neat-o.”

Willow becoming a vengeance demon.

Fred/Wes and Gunn/Faith pairings.

Spike coming to L.A. to win Buffy back.

Buffy asking Wesley for some fatherly advice.

Oz passing through L.A. because he’s trying to track Willow.

Whistler dropping by with some long awaited news.

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