Challenge 2:


Buffy has finally located the last Slayer of this generation in L.A. Unbeknownst to her, the girl is being protected by Cordelia and Angel. Not only is Buffy there to train the new Slayer but she is also enlisting the help of Wesley to avenge Giles’ death. Since Buffy has become like a daughter to Wesley over the years, he doesn’t refuse her plea. Meanwhile, Xander and Gunn have both begun to fight over Fred.

While trying to court Fred, Xander begins to have unresolved feelings for Cordelia, who is torn between her lingering feelings towards Spike and her friendship and romance with Angel. Angel has started to have recurring nightmares about the time when he was terrorizing Buffy in Sunydale as Angelus.

The Host tells Angel the true meaning of kye-rumption and of the last battle before Angel’s prophecy to become human. Lorne senses Angel’s emotions and tells him that he was never and will never be in love with Cordelia. Buffy shows up, trains the new Slayer is about to leave L.A. before Angel locates her.

Must Haves:

At least two references to “I Will Remember You”.

Buffy admitting that she did, at one point in Sunnydale, have feelings for Spike.

Reference to Connor and his new family.

Angel telling Buffy that he loves her and he’ll never be able to stop.

Buffy telling Spike what he really feels for Cordelia.

Lorne reading Buffy’s emotions.

Buffy flirting with Gunn.


Doyle appearing in Cordelia’s dream and gives her his blessing.

Whistler appearance.

References to Mr. Pointy and the Scythe.

The truth behind Oz’s statement of a feather boa and the theme from “A Summer Place”

Willow returning and admitting to everyone that she’s not a lesbian.

Cordy’s demon powers being taken away.

Spike having sex with the new Slayer.

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