Challenge 3:

Rewrite of the episode “Eternity”.

Angel and Rebecca Lowell start to date instead of him trying to kill her. Cordelia, thinking that Angel will sooner or later revert back to Angelus, calls Sunnydale for help. The core Scooby Gang (Xander, Giles, Willow, and Buffy) head down to Los Angeles to lend a hand and stop them from having sex. Cordelia offers that Buffy and Willow stay with her and Giles and Xander stay with Wesley until the whole mess is over with.

Angel and Rebecca are at a screening of her new movie when her manager Oliver corners Buffy. Buffy knocks the guy unconscious and happens to run into Rebecca in the ladies room. Chaos ensues.

Buffy gets arrested and Giles and Wesley have to go and bail her out of jail. Buffy meets Kate and the two actually start to have a civilized conversation. Wes researches Angel’s curse and finds out that only sex with one’s true love/soul mate won’t break Jenny’s revised version.

Must Haves:

Xander admitting to Cordelia that he’s a manager of a construction company.

Cordelia and Xander gropage inside Angel’s elevator.

Willow buying an Orb of Thessulah.

Giles telling Wesley that Faith is loose and on the run.

Buffy and Riley have broken up before the story happened.

B/A getting back together and resolving some issues.

Buffy and Cordelia getting drunk and Buffy hitting on Angel in front of Rebecca.

Buffy running into Anne.


Buffy attacking Rebecca in the ladies room (They have to have a catfight somewhere!)

Buffy showing Willow and Xander her old high school.

Rebecca telling Wesley she hates being an actress.

C/X having another secret romance.

Angelus returning.

Jenny Calendar appearance.

Giles telling Angel that he considered him a son.

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