Challenge 7:

Post Graduation Day

Buffy Summers is turning 50 years old in two days time. According to Giles, a new evil is threatening to kill her by injecting her with some sort of bluish saliva.

Giles, being afraid that Buffy will get distracted, calls upon Angel for help. The Fang Gang arrives in Sunnydale to find Buffy getting her ass kicked by a newbie vampire. Wesley stakes it from behind and helps the almost-unconscious Slayer back home.

Giles, Wesley, Willow, Xander, and Jenny, Willow and Oz’s rebellious teenage daughter form a research party. Cordelia bonds with the teenager while Buffy sneaks out to fight the demon and happens to get herself injected with the saliva.

Buffy wanders back to the house and tells Giles that she can feel her body shutting down. The group finds out that the only way to save her is from the blood of a vampire who loves her.

Must Haves:

Jenny telling Cordy that Xander used to continuously brag about their relationship.

References to Spike’s speech about them being ‘friends’ in “Lovers Walk”.

Buffy telling Angel she knew it was him who used to call and hang up on her.

Whistler admitting to Angel that Buffy has been half-demon since he drank blood from her.

B/A reconciliation


Blue and white candles.

Hair color.

The phrase “She’s the strummer to my drummer.”

C/X coupling or friendship.

Looking at the Sunnydale High Yearbook.

Wesley offering to sacrifice Spike so that Buffy can live.

Kate arresting Angel for obstruction of justice.

Cordy and Xander busting Angel out of jail.

Angel and Buffy leaving Sunnydale together after she has recovered.

A marriage proposal (cough *B/A* cough).

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