Challenge 9:

Angel is desperately missing Connor since he was taken by Holtz to the dimension of Quortoth. Cordelia consults with Wesley and they decide they have to get Connor back ASAP. The problem is that only a warrior can enter Quortoth. The warrior needs to be emotionally and mentally stable, not to mention strong enough to defeat an army. Wesley suggests that Angel himself go, but Cordelia disagrees saying that Angel would let his emotions control him.

Cordelia suggests Buffy and leaves for Sunnydale to recruit the Slayer. Buffy, still in shock that Angel has a son with Darla, is skeptical about the whole idea after Angel and her’s last meeting and reluctantly agrees.

Cordelia, Buffy, and Wesley perform the ritual in the Hyperion lobby. Just as Buffy jumps into the portal, Angel figures out what they’ve done. He yells angrily at his coworkers, demanding to know why they had to drag Buffy into this. Cordelia promises that both Buffy and Connor will come back alive, and Angel orders her and Wesley to get out.

Weeks later, Buffy and Connor return to their dimension and Connor is now a teen and Buffy hasn’t aged a day.

Must Haves:

B/A ending.

Buffy finding out about Angel’s past with Holtz.

Buffy telling Wesley that he and Cordelia did the right thing.

Gunn telling Buffy that she’s got good skills.

Fred asking Buffy about Angelus and Angel and Buffy’s relationship.

Buffy leaving for Sunnydale with Wesley after Connor returns to Angel.


Cordelia telling Wesley he’s brave.

Lorne calling Buffy ‘Young Miss Puppy Thighs’.

Cordelia and Angel kissing while he is grieving for his loss.

Lorne being able to read Buffy’s aura without her having to sing.

Angel finding out that Cordelia recruited Buffy behind his back.

Groo leaving.

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