Chapter 2

“So, when exactly did they kiss?” Kara asked her after taking a few sips of her coffee.

“You are an impatient little thing, aren’t you?” Anne shook her head. “He kissed her at Graduation, if you must know. Just as he was leaving for Boston.”

“Be kind. Rewind. Angel finally kissed the girl of his dreams and left for another state?!” Kara demanded. “I’ll bet Buffy was heartbroken.”

“She was.” Anne agreed. “How do you get over the love of your life? I mean, Angel meant the world to her. For him to up and leave like that…Have you ever been in love, Kara?”

“Yes.” She replied shyly.

“What happened to him?” Anne pressed on.

“He died. Car crash when I was 17.” Kara sighed. “We were gonna get married right after Graduation.”

“And a part of you died when he passed?” Anne asked.

“Yes…” Kara nodded. “How is it that you know so much about me.”

“Because I was you, once upon a time.” Anne remarked. “I know what it’s like to have lost someone you’ve loved. A part of you dies with them, and you don’t know why and you feel like your whole life is ending, but you learn to deal. That tiny part of you inside remains unsated forever, and that you begins to wonder, ‘Am I ever going to love again?’ And you try to go looking for love in all the right places, but nothing ever comes.”

“Anne…are you Buffy?” Kara asked.

“I was, once.” Anne admitted. “Buffy Summers died the day that Angel left her. And on that day, Anne Winters was born.”

“What happened to your Angel, then?” Kara asked.

“He married someone else. I was a bridesmaid at their wedding.” Anne sighed deeply. “You know the saying. Always a bridesmaid--”

“Never a bride.” Kara finished. “Did you ever tell Angel how you felt?”

“No. And I desperately wanted to. I didn’t want to see him marry her, have babies with her, and I’ve resented them both to this living day.”

“I take it this her was someone you knew?” Kara asked.

“Someone I knew all too well.” Anne seethed. “You have no idea what it’s like, Kara, to watch the man you love marry the woman you thought to be your best friend. The girl who knew all your secrets, and used them against you.”

“Was it…” Kara gasped.

“Willow.” Anne admitted.

“Sweet, innocent, nerdy Willow? The one who was helplessly and hopelessly fallen head over heels in love with Daniel ‘Oz’ Osbourne, Willow?” Kara shook her head. “But I thought…”

“We all did. And we all were proven wrong.” Anne told her. “Oz was even more so broken inside. He even tried to convince Willow not to marry Angel, but it was too late by then. ‘Socialite Willow Rosenberg married Wall Street Journalist Angel O’Connor in a private ceremony in Venice Beach on September 1st, 2010. Only close friends and family were in attendance. The couple plans to reside in Manhattan when they return from their honeymoon at an undisclosed location.’ End quote.”

“That’s harsh.” Kara agreed. “So, in the end, what happened?”

“Willow died two years later. Brain cancer.” Anne clarified. “I didn’t go. Nor did I ever contact Angel again. I was too angry and bitter towards them by then.”

“Did he ever?” Kara questioned.

“Numerous times.” Anne noted. “But I refused each and every one. I think he was trying to justify his marriage to her, not only to himself, but to everyone. In the end, it didn’t matter. He killed the mere thought of us by being with her. And I could never, ever, forgive him for that.”

“So, what happened to him?” Kara pondered.

“Last I heard, he was living off the coast of Mexico, in a little town called Paríso, drinking himself into an early oblivion. And that was fifteen years ago. My guess? He dug himself an early grave.” Anne remarked bitterly. “I know that’s not the happy ending you were searching for.”

“Life’s not full of happy endings, Anne. You more or less explained that to me.” Kara added. “This diner…this was your place then?”

“For every day after Prom and before Graduation. I’ve treasured those days for all my years.” Anne sighed. “I know it’s silly, but I just can’t help it.”

“No, it’s not.” Kara shook her head in disagreement. “Nick, the one I told you about…There was this cliff off a lake where we lived. That was our special place, no one ever came up there. I still go there to think sometimes.”

“So, I guess we’re both silly then.” Anne chuckled. “It’s nice to just feel not alone, sometimes, you know? I want to thank you for that, Kara. I haven’t laughed in ages.”

“Well, I think we’ve both learned from this.” Kara nodded. “And I want to thank you for your time, Anne. You have no idea how grateful I am to you for this.”

“I did have a job, once upon a time.” Anne mocked. “I may be old, but I can recall that much. You did what you had to Kara. I hope you find those answers you were searching for.”

“I think I did.” Kara nodded. “I’ll send you the issue as soon as it’s published.”

“I’d like that.” Anne nodded. “Now go before you make an old woman relive her glory days.”

“All right, all right.” Kara raised her hands up in mock defense. “At least let me get the bill then. I mean, I called you and everything…I just wouldn’t feel right.”

“You make me like you even more with each passing moment.” Anne laughed. “But, in my day, us old folk got the tab. So, I’m afraid that until next time, I have to get this.”

“Are you sure? I mean…” Kara sighed.

“Don’t make an elder go back on her word, dear.” Anne clicked her tongue. “Now, get out of here and write your paper. I’m anticipating it.”

“Well, you won’t have to wait long.” Kara said, as she exited the booth. “I’ll be seeing you.”

“I highly doubt that.” Anne remarked. “Goodbye Kara.”

“Goodbye Anne.” Kara muttered as she left.


“That’s it? That’s the story? The Great Epic Saga of Buffy Summers and Angel O’Connor?! You know I can’t publish this, Kara.” Adam told her. “No one wants a story about a bitter old woman scorned by her past lover. It’s tired. Readers want fluffy sentiments and romance…and pretty little fucking birdies in the background. They don’t want tragedy and depression. Find Mr. O’Connor. Let him tell his side of the tale.”

“Do you realize the statistics of Angel O’Connor still being alive? They’re slim to none.” Kara retorted.

“But not impossible.” Adam smirked. “Find Mr. O’Connor, Kara.”

“Whatever.” Kara rolled her eyes while grabbing her coat. “Oh, and when I do find Mr. O’Connor, whether he’s alive or not…I’m demanding a raise, or else I’ll take my story to The Post. I’m sure they’d be overwhelmed to publish it.”

“Don’t push it.” Adam warned.

“You know I will.” Kara chuckled as she left the office.


“Operator. How can I help you?”

“Um, yes, I need to know if you have a listing for an Angel O’Connor in Paríso, Mexico.” The voice replied. “1904 Barrara Street? Thank you so much.”

The woman hung up the phone and continued packing. Looking into the mirror, she sighed.

“Sorry, Kara. I need to see my love.”

To Be Continued…

That was just….brutal, wasn’t it? And I just can’t seem to write long chapters for this, so sue me. Anyhoo, hope you liked it. I promise another update soon…and yes, one of these days both Beautiful and Spellbound will be updated. They’re still in the pile of WIP’s to finish…And it’s starting to topple over….

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