Chapter 10

“Hold on, Mommy. I’m coming.” Elizabeth muttered as she raced to Sunnydale. “I just pray that that whore hasn’t touched you yet.”

She kept speeding to her the small town, until she got to the Summers’ residence, where Willow and Xander had fallen asleep on the couch. She slammed so the door, and they still didn’t budge.

“Wake up!” Elizabeth screamed.

“Huh?” Xander shot up.

“Elizabeth, what’s going on?” Willow asked.

“It’s Mo--Buffy.” Elizabeth told them. “She’s missing.”

“What are you talking about?” Xander asked.

“Um, I went to visit Angel, and I assume she followed me. About halfway through my visit, I realized that a car had been following me…I think Buffy was in the car.” Elizabeth explained.

“She should be back soon if she was following you.” Xander remarked.

“Xander, that’s not what I meant.” Elizabeth argued. “I don’t think she had any idea where she was going. Figuratively speaking, I think she was kidnapped.”

Elizabeth watched as the two friends burst out laughing. Rage clouded Elizabeth’s eyes, and the teenager sprouted baby vampire teeth.

“Aaah!” Willow screamed as Elizabeth transformed. “Oh my God!”

“What the *fuck* are you?” Xander stepped away from Willow.

“I didn’t even know I could do that.” Elizabeth told them.

“What are you?” Willow repeated Xander’s previous statement.

“I’m human, just like you.” Elizabeth countered.

“Really? I don’t call baby vamp teeth emerging human!” Xander retorted.

“I promise you that I am human. My father is--was--a vampire. He’s human now. I don’t know how or why these teeth emerged, but I don’t have time to argue with you. Buffy’s in danger, and we have to get to her.” Elizabeth pled, and transformed back to her normal self.

She started to weep and cried, “You have to save my mommy.”

“What?!” Xander yelled. “Buffy’s your--”

“Mom, yes.” Elizabeth put a hand up to silence him. “Many years into the future, she and my Dad, Angel, are human and happy together. But, if we don’t find her soon, then I’m afraid that is not going to happen.”

“Why?” Willow asked.

“Many years into the future, Cordelia Chase, is in lust with my Dad. She’s always wanted him for herself, ever since she and Mom were in high school together. And even though she has a kid with Uncle Doyle, she continues to worm her way into my Dad’s life by the way of her visions, which, if not prevented now, will end up costing my Dad his whole family.” Elizabeth continued. “It will tear my Mom apart, and will most likely cause her premature death. I can’t let that happen. I came back here to prevent that from happening, and if you two aren’t going to get up off your ass and help me, I swear to God if anything happens to either one of them, I will personally murder you both.”

“So, let’s get going then.” Willow agreed and grabbed her jacket.

The three were about to exit the house, when Elizabeth opened the door to find her father standing there, about to knock.

“Elizabeth.” Angel stated. “I--uh--I…”

“If anything happens to Mom, I’ll stake your ass.” Elizabeth threatened. “Let’s go save her.”

The three got in Willow’s car and drove off in search of the missing Summers’ woman. Faith watched from the shadows and murmured, “Good luck, Liz. Good luck.”

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