Chapter 9

Elizabeth drove to the little motel where Angel was supposed to meet Buffy at. She knew it by heart, even though no one had told her about it.

She watched through her rearview to see if anyone was following her. Sure enough, a Blue Ford Taurus whose license read “Bitch 24/7” was trailing her but maintaining a reasonable distance.

“So predictable.” Elizabeth laughed out loud. “Come on Cordelia. Try something.”

The car trailed her all the way until she got to the dirty motel. Elizabeth closed her eyes and tried to focus on her father, letting her instinct take over.

*Room 129.* she commented to herself. “Don’t worry, Daddy. I’m going to get our family back, no matter what I have to do.”

She exited the car and made sure the Taurus wasn’t following her. She then walked to the room and noticed it was slightly open.

“So predictable.” She muttered to herself and walked inside. “Angel? Are you here?”

“Elizabeth, what are you doing here?” he asked. “I’m expecting someone.”

“Buffy’s not coming.” Elizabeth blurted out. “She got…tied up. So, you get me.”

“Where is Buffy?” Angel asked.

“Umm…” Elizabeth shrugged.

“You’re her’s.” Angel stated. “And mine.”

“How’d you guess?” she asked.

“I’m a vampire. I can smell.” He reminded her. “Where’s your mom?”

“I knocked her out and tied her up at the house.” Elizabeth admitted sheepishly. “She’ll be awake soon. Dad, you have to help us.”

“We’ve been over this, Elizabeth. Cordelia’s not evil.” Angel sighed. “Look, I’m not sure how or why you hate her, but she’s my friend.”

“I can’t believe this.” Elizabeth groaned loudly. “You’re taking her side over mine,

Angel sighed. “Look, I’m not sure how or why you hate her, but she’s my friend.”

“I can’t believe this.” Elizabeth groaned loudly. “You’re taking her side over mine, your own daughter.”

“I don’t expect you to understand, Elizabeth.” Angel told her. “I trust Cordelia with my life.”

“Then you’re a fool.” Elizabeth said as she donned her coat. “I should’ve never come back. And you wanna know what the worst part is?”

“What?” Angel asked her.

“I’m never gonna know love.” She cried. “And it’s all your fault. I’ll never know what reaching 21 feels like, getting married, all that girly stuff. I hope you can last 240 odd years knowing that you sacrificed your daughter for this. Hell, hopefully Mom can understand that her soulmate gave up his humanity for someone who wasn’t her. He gave it up for a seer who just wants to get in his pants because she can’t deal with the real world. Goodbye, Father. Have a great eternity alone.”

Elizabeth grabbed her car keys and ran out of the motel room. She started the engine up and cried silently before heading back to Sunnydale.

She had to say goodbye to the one person she admired most: her mother.

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