Chapter 3
“Something’s gonna happen.” Elizabeth complained.
“You’re overreacting.” Hope, Liz’s best friend assumed. “Cordelia would never do that.”
“How much did your parents tell you?” Elizabeth asked. Hope was the eldest child of Wesley and Fred.
“Just that Cordelia was evil for a while and hurt a lot of people.” Hope shrugged.
“That’s the G version.” Elizabeth said. “Dad’s really worried about my mom. He wanted to go away for a few days but I told him that Cordelia was lying when she said that Buffy needed to be protected from him. My father would never hurt anyone, especially my Mom.”
“Except for--” Hope recalled.
“Except for those times when he did, I know.” Liz said. “But he was a vampire then, he’s not now. A lot of things have changed. No one ever thought a vampire and a Slayer could conceive, but here I am. Living proof of that lie. I just…I don’t trust Cordelia and I sure as Hell don’t trust her daughter.”
“Why don’t you trust Alexia?” Hope asked.
“I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve known Alexia my whole life practically and I love her to death, but I know how her mom can be. Self centered, manipulative. I know what it’s like to be influenced like that. Plus, Alexia spends far more time with her mother than with her Dad.” Liz concluded.
“But Doyle’s gone fighting half the time.” Hope countered.
“And when he is there, Alexia already has plans and can’t ever seem to cancel them long enough to spend ten minutes with Uncle. He’s over at our house most of the time, trying like Hell not to drink himself into a stupor.” Liz sighed. “I know that Doyle loves Cordelia and I’m pretty positive that in her own way, Cordelia loves him back, but she’s so obsessed with my Dad that she failed to realize the wonderful life she, Doyle, and Alexia could have had together, as a family.”
“You sound like a romance novel.” Hope joked.
“Thank you, I think.” Liz chuckled.
“Look, don’t stress about Cordelia. Everything will work out, you know. It always does.” Hope reassured her.
“You sound like my father.” Liz rolled her eyes.
“Good. Maybe now you’ll get the message through that thick headed skull of yours.” Hope smiled as they walked through the quad.
“Hey guys.” Alexia greeted them.
“Hi, Alexia.” Hope smiled once more.
“Hey.” Elizabeth shifted her school bag uncomfortably.
“What’s with the tragedy masks? Did someone die or something?” she asked.
*Not yet.* Elizabeth thought.
“No, no, ‘course not.” Liz shook her head. “Just some girly family stuff that I had to talk to Hope about.”
“Oh, sure.” Alexia nodded, not letting it show that she felt left out. “I understand.”
“Um, I have to go to class.” Elizabeth looked at her watch. “I’ll see you after school, Hope?”
“Yeah.” Hope nodded. “Like always.”
“Alexia, do you need a lift?” Elizabeth asked politely.
“If it’s not too much trouble. Mom’s car’s in the shop.” Alexia stated.
“Okay, then I’ll meet you in the northeast parking lot after school.” Elizabeth said. “Later, guys.”
“Bye.” Her two friends said simultaneously.
“What’s up with her?” Alexia asked and Hope just shrugged.
What in the Hell was Elizabeth up to?