Chapter 4
After Elizabeth had dropped Alexia off at her house, the blonde drove straight to her Aunt and Uncle Osbourne’s house.
“Hey.” Elizabeth kissed her boyfriend, Nicholas Osbourne, eldest of Oz and Willow’s kids.
“What’s going on?” Nicholas asked. “I thought we weren’t meeting ‘til later.”
“We’re not. I need to talk to your mom.” Liz explained.
“Should I be worried?” Nick asked.
“No. I just--I need to talk to Willow about some personal stuff. Where is she?” Liz asked politely.
“In the study with the twins.”
“Okay.” Liz nodded. “I’ll see you after I’m done, okay?”
“Cool.” Nick nodded and kissed her goodbye again.
Elizabeth made her way into the study. Willow was sleeping while the ‘twin terrors’ were playing with blocks about a foot away from her on the floor.
“Aunt Willow?” Buffy shook her.
“Elizabeth!” Willow hugged her goddaughter. “I didn’t know you were coming over.”
“I have a problem.” Liz blurted out. “It’s about Mom and Dad, so obviously I came to you for help.”
“What is it?” Willow motioned for her to sit down. “You know you can tell me anything.”
“It’s Cordelia again. She’s been telling my father that Buffy needs to be protected from him.” Liz cried. “I think she’s trying to steal Daddy away again.”
“Elizabeth, I’m sure that’s not true.” Willow shook her head. “Cordelia’s changed. She’s not the evil bitch that we all once perceived her to be.”
“So, you won’t help me?” Liz pleaded.
“I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I really think you need to deal with Cordelia on your own.” Willow told her.
“I’ll just get someone else. If my mother dies and I find out that you could’ve helped prevent it, I will personally see to it that you suffer at my hands.” Elizabeth threatened and stormed out of the house.
Elizabeth was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t see a figure pummel her to the ground in the local park. Elizabeth kicked them from behind and stood up. The figure turned around, revealing herself to be a thin brunette with shoulder-length locks.
“I know you.” Elizabeth recalled. “You’re Faith. My parents named me after you.”
“True.” Faith agreed. “I suppose you’re wondering while I’m here.”
“Kind of.” Elizabeth nodded. “Is there some danger a brewin’? Should I beware?”
“I’ve been sent by The Powers That Be.” Faith continued, ignoring her last comment.
“The people who screwed my parents out of a normal life? Yeah, okay.” Elizabeth mocked. “Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying.”
“Listen.” Faith grabbed her arm. “You’re the only hope.”
“What, you’re not going to ask ‘Saint’ Cordelia?” Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “How noble of you.”
“Cordelia Chase is a lost cause to us.” Faith sighed. “Most people are blind to her faults. You’re not. Well, you and her dead ex-boyfriend. That’s why we need you.”
“Need me? Need me for what?” Elizabeth asked.
“The Powers That Be want to send you back in time, to change things. Get Angel away from Cordelia and Buffy away from Spike.” Faith finished.
“Send me back in time? You can’t make time travel happen. That’s impossible.” Elizabeth shook her head.
“You live in a world with vampires and demons, and you think time travel is impossible?” Faith chuckled. “So, I need an answer here, kid.”
“If it’ll get Cordelia away from my family once and for all, then yes.” Elizabeth agreed. “When do we start?”
“As soon as possible.” Faith said. “You probably want to spend some time with your parents. Before…”
“What’ll happen to them? Me?” Elizabeth murmured.
“Assuming everything goes according to plan, you’ll end up back in the future, a very different future.” Faith assured her.
“And if I fail?” she pondered.
“Then we all perish.” Faith said. “Can you deal with that?”
“I think so.” Elizabeth nodded. “I’d like to say goodbye to everyone first. I’ll meet you here in the morning?”
“All right.” Faith agreed and disappeared as fast as she’d come.
Elizabeth knocked on the Osbourne’s door. She was surprised when Willow answered, wearing a smile on her face.
“Elizabeth. I was hoping you’d come back.” Willow spoke.
“Hello, Aunt Will.” Elizabeth smiled. “I want to apologize for my behavior earlier. You did the right thing and I had no right to snap at you.”
“Please, don’t apologize.” Willow shook her head. “You were trying to protect your family. I would have done the same had it been Oz, or any of my children in danger.”
“Yes, but I acted rather rashly.” Elizabeth said. “I need to talk to Nick. Is he here?”
“Yes, upstairs.” Willow told her.
“Thank you, Aunt Willow. Always remember I love you.” Elizabeth hugged her.
“Hey. I’m not going anywhere.” Willow smiled. “You sound as if you’re never gonna see me again.”
*Oh, if you only knew.* Elizabeth thought.
“Don’t be silly. I’m just emotional. That time of the month, you know?” Liz covered. “I’ll see you soon.”
She walked slowly upstairs to Nick’s room and watched him for a few minutes as he laid on his bed listening to his music.
*I’m gonna miss this.* she thought to herself and opened the door a little wider.
“Hey.” Nick greeted his girlfriend with a sexy smile. “I was just thinking about you.”
“Good thoughts, I hope.” She fidgeted nervously.
“Always good thoughts.” As if on cue, he noticed her uneasiness. “You wanna tell me what’s going on here?”
“I have to cancel our date tonight.” Elizabeth informed him.
“Why?” Nick asked.
“I can’t tell you.” She sighed.
“Lizzie, you can tell me anything.” He spoke, using the nickname he gave her when they were only toddlers.
“It’s complicated, Nick.” Elizabeth moved away from him. “You need to move on, to be with someone else. Someone who makes you feel happy, complete. Whole.”
“I’m looking at her.” Nick sighed. “What’s all this about?”
“I told you, okay? I need you to move on.” She cried.
“Because I’m not going to be around!” she screamed. “I’m leaving, Nicholas. I’m going to a place where you can’t follow me. So, I need you to move on. Please…For me.”
“I’m sorry, Elizabeth.” He told her. “I can’t do that. I’m never gonna change, I can’t change. I want my life to be with you.”
“I don’t.”
That being said, Elizabeth O’Connor ran out of the Osbourne household and never ever looked back.