Chapter 11: Paying The Price

Willow!” Buffy screamed as her former best friend shot herself and sunk to the floor. “Oh my god, Willow.”

The blood came seeping out onto the floor where Willow lay. Buffy’s eyes stared wide in horror, crying internally for her fallen former best friend.

She was doomed now. Willow had the only access to getting out of here, and with her dead, she was most likely going to die. She couldn’t even untie the ropes because of the dehydration she felt.

Why did it have to come down to this? Why couldn’t Willow and Cordelia just have left well enough alone? Everyone was better off beforehand. She and Angel would both have been better off.

Angel? Would he miss her when they found her body? Would he mourn for her like she would had it been him in her place? Or would he rejoice, now that his last non blood related tie to Sunnydale was dead?

Buffy cried as she thought about her impending fate. *Why did this have to happen?*

She knew that her final hours were upon her now…She was still so dehydrated, and without food and water in the next few minutes, she would most likely die under nutrition malfunction.

But she would be free.

And she wouldn’t have to worry about anything anymore. She would have nothing but joy in her life.

But she wouldn’t have her Angel.

And that was the last thought before Buffy Summers slipped back into unconsciousness.


“I don’t think we’re going to find anything.” Wesley told Faith as they entered the apartment.

“Let’s just look around.” Faith told everyone, pointing Angel in the direction of the living room.

After moments of searching, Gunn stopped and stood against a wall. He stared at Faith until she finally turned around and noticed him.

“Why are you just standing there? Keep searching.” she ground out.

“The place is empty. No trace, nothing.” Gunn said as they searched the apartment thoroughly. “Besides, who would live in a place like this?”

“Someone who wanted to keep a low profile maybe?” Fred commented.

“Or someone who didn’t want to get caught.” Faith said, noticing a part of a piece of notepad paper lying on the floor in between the entrance to the kitchen and the living room.

“What is it?” Angel asked.

“4040 Jaxson Ridge.” Faith stated. “That’s where the old newspaper mill used to be. According to you, Fred, that place has been empty for a few years, right?”

“About 6 or 7 if I’m not mistaken.” Fred nodded. “They tore it down right after we moved here.”

“Why would anyone have an address of a vacant lot that was tore down almost a decade ago?” Faith raised her eyebrows. “Unless…”

“Someone planned on using it for something, like say to hold someone hostage?” Wesley summed up.

“We better get over there.” was all Angel said.

“And fast. Because who knows what fucked up plans Willow had in store for Buffy.” Faith added as they walked out.

Little did they know, they were on the verge of being too late.

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