Chapter 15: Sway
“She’s awake?” Angel repeated the doctor’s previous statement.
“Yes.” the doctor nodded, blocking Angel’s gaze. “But…I’m not sure she’s really up to visitors. Miss Summers has just gone through a traumatic time. Post traumatic shock could kill her. I’d prefer if she didn’t have any visitors, but seeing as you are all worried about her, I presume that is out of the question. If I may offer, that you go in one at a time. Refrain from speaking anything that could set her off.”
“I’ll go first, I guess.” Faith shrugged, donning her jacket. “She should see someone who, ya know, hasn’t betrayed her by fucking the enemy.”
Angel let out an inaudible growl as he witnessed Faith stomping off to see Buffy. The other participants in the room said nothing, and just resumed their pacing throughout the room.
Faith staggered towards Buffy’s hospital door. She honestly didn’t know if she could go in there and play the dutiful best friend, knowing that her only best friend she’d had since they were two and playing the sandbox together, had fucked her boyfriend. It didn’t matter that they were ex at the time. One shouldn’t mess around with their best friend’s other half.
That was an unsaid rule, and both Buffy and Faith swore upon it. Only she’d broken the pact.
Finally, after moments of internal debating, Faith made the predicament to go in there, and play it cool. She wouldn’t mention anything until after Buffy was out of the hospital, and that was that.
She opened the door to find Buffy scrolling through the bad cable channels on the hospital television. Buffy’s eyes glanced at Faith, and she turned the television off.
“Hey.” Buffy sighed. “So, you found me, huh? That’s what the nurses tell me anyways.”
“Yeah, Gunn and I found you.” Faith nodded in agreement. “You gave all of us quite a scare there.”
“Yeah.” Buffy looked down at the comforter shamefully. “And Willow…she’s dead, right?”
“Yeah, we found her too. Splattered brains and everything.” Faith remembered.
“She shouldn’t have died that night, Faith.” Buffy told her. “If I had just stayed away from the Bronze…”
“Hey, don’t blame yourself, okay?” Faith explained. “What happened to Willow wasn’t your fault. It was that bitch named Whoredelia’s. We all know what she was plotting…to get Angel to marry her. You and I both knew how seriously he takes vows in front of God…I think Cordy figured that if she was able to get my brother to take her as his wife, then you’d be out of the picture.”
“Maybe I should have just stayed away from Los Angeles.” Buffy murmured.
“What did I just say about blaming yourself?” Faith stared.
“I know that I shouldn’t…I know that it wasn’t me…But I just can’t shake these thoughts that maybe I had something to do with it. That maybe there was something inside of me that is just incapable of loving someone, or being loved.” Buffy shook her head. “Stupid, I know. Anyway, so where is Cordelia now?”
“Locked up behind bars, and rightfully so.” Faith smirked.
“And you’re just gloating in that fact alone, aren’t you?” Buffy chuckled. “I haven’t seen you smile in a long time, Faith. I’ve missed it.”
“Yeah, well, I haven’t seen you smile in years either. I figured someone had to falter first.” Faith shrugged.
“So, just you and Gunn are here then?” Buffy questioned.
“No, actually, the whole gang’s here.” Faith told her. “Wes, Fred…Angel. Everybody.”
“Angel’s here?” Buffy repeated.
“Much to the dismay of some, yes.” Faith nodded.
“Gunn.” Buffy said. “He’s unhappy that he’s here, huh?”
“Quite. But you know Gunn. He’ll get over it.” Faith muttered.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You have something face.” Buffy noticed Faith’s blotchy eyes filling up with tears.
“It’s nothing, B. Don’t worry about it, okay?” Faith turned away.
“Oh god.” Buffy cursed. “He told you, didn’t he? About us.”
“Not exactly. He wasn’t exactly Joe Here’s What I’m Thinking. But I pretty much detected it tonight.” Faith remarked.
“Faith, I’m--” Buffy started to apologize.
“Don’t, okay? I don’t blame you, even though you broke our age old code. I blame him.” Faith replied.
“We both knew what we were doing.” Buffy defended. “Neither of us meant for it to happen, it just did, you know?”
“I know. And like I just said, I don’t blame you. I blame Gunn. He’d been crushing on you for years before you started seeing Angel, B. I think he was just waiting for the perfect time to strike. And what better time than when my best friend was in grieving because the so called love of her life just left her to move to Los Angeles?” Faith justified her reply.
“I guess I just don’t see Gunn doing something that cold and vindictive, Faith.” Buffy shrugged. “I would hope that he didn’t. But if he did, then he should be sharing a cell with Cordelia. And he sure as hell doesn’t deserve a brave, caring woman such as yourself.”
“Thanks.” Faith hugged her. “So, I assume you want to do the meet and greet thing with the rest of ‘em?”
“Actually…I’d kind of rather be alone right now. I’m just not ready to face him yet, you know? I need some time.” Buffy sighed.
“And we’ll give you all the time you need. Get some rest, B.” Faith told her. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“All right. And Faith?” Buffy replied.
“Don’t hold Gunn accountable for actions that he was only half responsible for. Find out the whole story, and then decide if you’re going to hate him or not.” Buffy warned, and snuggled back into her pillow.
“Thanks for the advice, Buffy.” Faith exited the room. “I sure as hell hope you’re right.”
Fred was the first to notice Faith’s appearance in the room. She nodded her head in acknowledgement to the brunette, who was immediately bombared with questions from the other members in the group.
“Is she okay?”
“When can we see her?”
“What did she say?”
Faith ignored their spouts and just sat down in the nearest chair by the door, where the rest of her friends followed suit. Faith rolled her eyes inwardly and glared at them all.
“She’s fine.” Faith pouted. “Buffy’s fine.”
“What exactly did she say? Does she remember what happened?” Angel prodded.
“I think so. She seemed…Buffy-like you know.” Faith shrugged.
“That doesn’t help.” Fred shook her head.
“Is she up for more visitors?” Wesley asked.
“No, she actually just wanted to be left alone right now. I think she just needs to some time to think about things.” Faith told them, and watched them all disperse, save for her brother.
“I’m not telling you anything.” Faith glared at him. “There’s such a thing called the best friend code, Angel. And I can’t break it, not even for you.”
“But I’m her--” Angel started.
“Please don’t finish that sentence.” Faith interrupted him. “Whatever you think you and Buffy are, you’re going to need to push all that past away and just be there for her, as her friend, right now. I think, truly, that’s what she’s looking for at the moment. She’s not looking for you to be the tender, former significant other that she could depend on for everything. She needs non complicated relationships at the moment and you and her together just complicates things. I know you love her, Angel, and I’m sure that Buffy still loves you, but sometimes love always isn’t enough.”
“I don’t know if I can be her friend, Faith.” Angel growled.
“Then be mine. Stop being overprotective brother guy and just don’t do anything romantic for her. I need to you to be neutral towards her, all right? Look, it’s late, and we really can’t do anything more until morning. Why don’t you go home and get some rest?”
“I couldn’t sleep tonight if I tried.” Angel shrugged.
“Okay, well then go get something to eat, all right? This dead man walking look is not good, both for my impending middle life crisis therapy bill and for this hospital. Go get wired, or some crap. Can’t have you fainting of dehydration in the middle of the hospital waiting room, now can we?”
As soon as Angel was out of sight, Wesley strode up to Faith and muttered, “He’s not really going to get something to eat, is he?”
“I don’t expect so, no. He should be camping out in Buffy’s room tonight as predicted." Faith explained. "My work here is done.”
To Be continued...
I wanted to leave the fic on somewhat of a happy note. Seasons greetings to everyone and I will be back after the holidays with more Beautiful chapter fun!