Chapter 14: Holding On
“That feels so good,” Buffy moaned as Gunn’s hand slowly crept its way up her inner thigh.
“Want me to stop?” Gunn whispered into her ear, as his hand reached her barely there thong under her short skirt.
“No,” Buffy giggled, nibbling on his ear suggestively.
“Good,” Gunn murmured, continuing his journey as he laid her down on the soft cushions.
His large hands rubbed the tip of her nubbin as he slipped the lacy thong off. Gunn watched as Buffy licked her lips in anticipation, closing her eyes for what was to come. Her lover bent his head down towards her thighs, leaving wet kisses along the trail.
Dipping his head into her small mound, he heard Buffy cry out in pleasure. His fingers stroked the globes of her buttocks, while his tongue suckled on the sensitive nubbin of her clit.
She tasted of a mix between honey and vanilla; Gunn couldn’t stop himself from feasting off her. She was like a fine wine that he could dine on for days on end.
“Gunn, don’t stop!” Buffy screamed out loud.
She pressed his head down, and felt his teeth latch onto her clit. In a fit of ecstasy, Buffy cried out, letting her juices flow into his mouth.
“Mmm, you taste so good.” Gunn kissed her, as he moved upwards.
Buffy could feel her wetness on his tongue, and bit his lower lip playfully. The two broke apart, and Gunn rested his head on her shoulders, as his hands kneaded her breasts softly.
“How is it that you always know just what I need?” Buffy whispered.
“Because I know you.” Gunn replied, kissing her shoulder. “How does it feel?”
“How does what feel?” Buffy asked.
“Knowing that you can be with a man, a man who hasn’t broken your heart?” Gunn remarked.
“If you’re talking about Angel, it’s not really a comparison.” Buffy sighed, as their hands intertwined. “We only ever had sex once, and it wasn’t really all that mind-blowing. It probably had to do with the fact that it was both of our first time, and without the experience, we were both lost on what to do and what to expect. But you…”
“What?” Gunn inquired.
“You always know right where to touch me, what spots turn me on the most. How do you do that?” Buffy wondered. “I know you and Faith haven’t been…Have you?”
“No, we haven’t had sex yet.” Gunn shook his head. “I’ve always felt this attraction to you, Buffy, and I just played it by ear on what you’d like and what would make you happy.”
“Well, Mr. Gunn, you have it down pat.” Buffy smirked, kissing him passionately once more.
“Damn girl, you have a lot of stamina.” Gunn chuckled.
“Better put it to good use, baby.” Buffy laughed, climbing on top of him once more.
Gunn snapped out of his memories, as he looked around the gift shop for some flowers. Were flowers too impersonal? Would someone suspect their previous torrid affair? Had Buffy even stayed true to her word about their deceit and betrayal from everyone?
Their romance was basically a whirlwind. Faith and he had basically broken up for what both of them thought for good, and Buffy was still getting over the death of her baby boy. The first kiss they’d shared had never meant to happen; it was out of need, out of wanting to feel something more than just sorrow.
The bad thing was that kisses tended to lead to a full blown make out session and that was just fodder which would inevitably lead to sex, neither of which either party was prepared for.
After that first soft, innocent kiss they’d shared, the two had started seeing each other on a regular basis. Sometimes they’d laugh and talk at the beach; other times they’d watch a movie at one of their respective houses together.
Then, one night, after Buffy had received a call about her mother’s condition, they’d kissed again, this time out of need. They both knew they’d been playing in dangerous territory, but neither party gave a damn.
Those innocent kisses led to a dangerous territory, which would only end in heartache. Their clothes went first, each article scattered to every corner of the floor.
He entered her hard and fast, her femininity fighting the intrusion. He filled her to the core, as Buffy wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer. His mouth latched onto a breast as he pumped harder, faster, into her. Buffy bit playfully into his shoulder as they came together, both sighing in pure bliss.
Gunn shook his head from the memory. They may have had something then, but he knew without a shadow of a doubt, that it was over. And yet, some small part of him that just couldn’t let go.
He did love Faith, he always would, but Buffy brought out a passionate and dangerous side in him, a side in which Gunn was confused as to whether or not he could ever reach that heightened sense with Faith.
*Yellow flowers.* he thought. *Definitely not impersonal. Doesn’t scream, ‘Hey, we fucked numerous times and I still want you.’ No, yellow flowers are neutral. Neutral’s good.*
“Are you all right?” Fred asked Faith, minutes after Gunn had stormed out.
“Yeah, I’m just…” Faith sighed unhappily. “It’s a lot to comprehend, you know? My boyfriend, my lover, is in love with another woman, my best friend to boot. It’s a lot to take in, you know?”
“Yeah, I do know.” Fred comforted her. “When I was about 10 years old, my parents sat me down, telling me that they were getting a divorce. It was because my father had been sleeping with another woman since I was about 4 years old. They were having a baby together. Rather than try and work things out with me and Mom, Dad left. I never heard from him again, and I never saw my baby brother or sister.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” Faith asked.
“Never really came up.” Fred shook her head. “Plus, the rest of you were going through your own problems. I didn’t want to bombard you with my own.”
“Still, I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Faith comforted her.
“It’s okay.” Fred nodded in agreement. “Besides, we have more important things to take care of at this point.
“I know.” Faith sighed. “I just don’t understand why no one’s telling us anything. Buffy should be awake right now!”
“Maybe she’s just not awake yet.” Wesley suggested. “She’s been through a serious trauma.”
“Maybe she’s just not up to visitors yet. She needs to conserve her strength, Faith.” Angel chimed in.
“Bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” Faith muttered.
“Excuse me?” he growled at her.
“Come on, bro. It’s not like you haven’t thought about it. I’m positive you have.” Faith suspected. “Hell, if she never recovers, it’d be less guilt on your conscience.”
“You’re so out of your league here, sis.” Angel told her.
“Am I, really? I know you, Angel. And I know all about your guilt. I know that your guilt for what you did to Buffy and Michael most likely consumes you 24/7. It eats away at you knowing that you are partially responsible for the death of your son, and most likely, are going to be somewhat to blame in the death of your ex, if she doesn’t wake up. It’s looking less likely now, isn’t it? That way, you won’t have to see the pained look on her face every day, knowing that you, my dear brother, are the man responsible for putting it there. So, please, enlighten me. Tell me that there isn’t some joyous part of you that wouldn’t care if Buffy died right now.”
“And you expect me to believe you would be ecstatic?” Angel scoffed. “Or did you forget that your little boy toy has a hard on for your best friend? Guess it falls on deaf ears, doesn’t it, Faithie?!”
“Do you both hear yourselves?!” Wesley interrupted them. “Our friend is lying in there, fighting for her life, and all you two can think about is who to blame for this madness!”
“Wes, it’s not…” Faith spoke.
“I don’t care what it is about, Faith. You both need to cool off, and settle down. This is a time of need. You should be more worried about the woman in that room, than yourselves.” he cursed. “So, take a breath, and pray. Pray that she makes it.”
“Sorry, Wes.” Both siblings mumbled.
“Buffy Summers?” a voice echoed throughout the room.
“That’s us!” Faith exclaimed, rising up to meet the doctor. “What’s her status?”
“Is she okay?” Angel asked.
“What happened?” Fred pondered.
“How is she?” Wesley inquired.
“Well, to answer all your questions…” the doctor sighed. “She’s awake.”