Chapter 3: The Comeback
~Two Weeks Later~
Buffy Summers stood in front of her bedroom mirror, admiring her choice of a ‘clubbing’ outfit. Her outfit consisted of tight blue jeans with a lime green halter. Sexy, yet conservative as Harmony had told her when she bought it. She was supposed to go dancing with Faith, Harmony and Willow tonight. Angel would’ve blown a gasket, had he been there instead of living it up in Los Angeles.
*Stop thinking about him* Buffy mentally scolded herself. *He’s marrying Whore-delia Chase. You’re free to fuck, date or marry whomever you fuckin’ please.*
Buffy snapped out of her daze and applied black mascara. She almost didn’t hear her phone ring.
“Hello?” Buffy answered sweetly. “Oh, hey Harm. What? Willow canceled? Okay. You and Faith are outside? Well, duh! Come on inside. You guys are practically family. Bye.”
Buffy beamed down the stairs and hugged her two friends as they entered.
“Hi.” Buffy greeted her two friends. “Are you guys ready?”
“Let’s roll.” Faith nodded. “I’m driving.”
“Cool.” Buffy said, as she locked the door.
~The Bronze- 9:43 pm~
“Oh My God.” Faith cursed as she walked into the club. “This place is…”
“Yeah, they did a remodel of it.” Harmony told her. “Shut down the place for four months, Total withdrawal. When they finally opened up, the line was for blocks around the corner. Major happening spot since.”
“It looks so different.” Faith said.
“Is that bad?” Buffy asked.
“Not at all.” Faith shook her head and noticed Buffy searching the crowd. “Expecting someone, B?”
“I have a date.” Buffy smiled sheepishly.
“But…Girls Night…” Harmony and Faith whined.
“I know…I’m sorry to cut out on you guys like this, but I haven’t had a date in months. Hell, I haven’t had even had sex in really long, long time. So, please, let me cut out on you guys just this once?”
“Okay…but you owe me…big time.” Faith told her. “Go. Have your fun. Just don’t forget to call me so I can get all those incriminating details.”
“Hussy.” Buffy laughed and left in search of her date.
“God, she needs to get laid.” Faith turned back to Harmony. “Drink?”
“Spike.” Buffy smiled when she ran straight into her date. “I thought you were flaking on our date.”
“Flake on a beautiful lady such as yourself? Never.” Spike saw her blush. “It’s packed in here tonight, eh love?”
“Yeah, but it always is.” Buffy nodded.
“Want a drink?” Spike asked, after breaking the awkward silence moments later.
“Yeah. Sure. That’d be great.” Buffy smiled. “A beer would be great, please.”
“I’ll be back.” Spike told her and left her alone.
Minutes later, Spike returned with both of their drinks. She took her beer from him and gulped it down.
“Slow down there, love. It’s not a race, you know.” Spike suggested.
“I shouldn’t be here.” Buffy told him. “Look, Spike. You’re a really nice guy and everything, but…”
“But you don’t want to date me.” Spike finished her sentence.
“It’s not you, trust me.” Buffy assured him. “It’s me. I’m…I’m no good for you, Spike. I’m still in love with a guy I used to date, and I’m so not over him. I thought I was ready to get back on the horse again, but I’m obviously not. You can call me pathetic now, okay? Here’s your chance.”
“You’re not pathetic.” he shook his head. “Whoever this guy was…he was a fool to let someone as beautiful and smart as you go. I envy him.”
“Spike, you don’t even really know me.” Buffy sighed. “How can you that you envy him?”
“Buffy, you wear your heart on your sleeve. Anyone can see that. You let your emotions take over and that’s not a quality you find in most women these days. It sets you apart. So, whoever the idiot was who let you go made the biggest mistake. You’re the one, Buffy.” Spike stood up and kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll see you at the office on Monday?”
“Yeah.” she nodded, stunned.
“Later, love.” Spike winked and started to leave.
“Spike?” Buffy called out.
“Yeah?” Spike turned around.
“Thank you.” Buffy smiled and watched him walk out of the Bronze.
~Later That Night~
“So, let me get this straight. He didn’t even try to make a pass at you tonight? You guys talked and that was it?” Faith asked.
“Perfect gentleman.” Buffy nodded.
“That’s the most fucked up thing I ever heard!” Faith burst out laughing. “Even Gunn made a pass at me before I started dating him. So, when are you guys going out again?”
“We’re not.” Buffy shook her head.
“What? Why not?” Faith inquired.
“Spike could tell my heart wasn’t in it. He told me that he envied the man who held my heart and that I was the one that got away. It was so sweet, Faith.” Buffy smiled.
“Awww, tear.” Faith sniffled sarcastically. “So, what are you gonna do now?”
“I think…I need to take some time off…Find myself. Figure out what I want.” Buffy explained. “I don’t think I ever really knew.”
“Does what you want include my brother?” Faith wondered.
“Faith!” Buffy yelled.
“Sorry.” Faith shook her head. “I know he’s marrying Whore-delia but B…I think this is just some ploy she’s devised. She’s sick, you know? And with you and Angel having been broken up for so long, she thinks she’s deserving of him now.”
“Faith, stop.” Buffy said. “Do me a favor and let’s put all Angel-y subjects to an end, okay?”
“All right.” Faith nodded.
“Cool.” Buffy agreed. “God, I really need to get laid. Know of a good fuck?”
Faith looked at her wide eyed. Buffy just burst out laughing.