Chapter 5: Let Me Believe

~Three Months Later~

“Anybody home?” Buffy Summers asked as she walked into the detective agency of her namesake.

“B!” Faith hugged her best friend. “Oh my God! I didn’t know you were in town. What are you doing here?”

“Came to see the office.” Buffy told her and glanced around. “It’s nice. Very small and cozy. I like it…a lot, actually.”

“It’s good to see you.” Wesley smiled and hugged her as well. “How are you doing?”

“Ironically good.” Buffy shrugged. “Got the invitation yesterday and didn’t cry for an hour. Not too brave.”

“I’m sorry.” Faith apologized. “I know it doesn’t mean much, but…”

“It means a lot that you care.” Buffy admitted. “It still hurts, even after all this time. I mean, I cried, and then I just…stopped. He’s really going to go through with it, Faith. I want Angel to be happy, and it seems he’s happiest with Cordelia Chase. Who would have thought?”

“So, that’s it?” Gunn asked her. “You’re giving up. Just like that?”

“I guess so, Charles.” Buffy sighed. “I love Angel, always will. He showed me how to feel something inside me that I never thought I could feel. He taught me so many things, and his happiness means everything to me. What’s that line? If you truly love someone, you’ll let them go.”

“My god.” Gunn cursed silently. “I can’t believe this.”

“What can I say, I had an epiphany of sorts.” Buffy chuckled. “Enough with the gloomy faces, already. ‘Sides, I’m going to need a job now that I sold the house in Sunnydale. I was thinking of moving here.”

“What about the gallery?” Faith questioned.

“I still own it, but Willow’s running it now.” Buffy explained. “She jumped at the chance, anyway. Always the artistic one.”

“So, you need a job…” Fred repeated, smiling ecstatically and held out her hand. “Welcome aboard, Miss Summers.”

“We’ve got major shopping to do.” Faith interrupted. “And then, we’ve got to mind you an apartment, accessories, furniture, a boyfriend.”

“Slow down, girl.” Buffy shook Faith by the shoulders. “One major crisis at a time. God, I haven’t witnessed you being this excited since Senior Year.”

“Well, we had many events going on then.” Faith reminded her.

“You know what? I think we should take the rest of the day off.” Gunn suggested. “You girls go do whatever it is you usually do, and then later, we all go out and party.”

“That’s a great idea.” Wes agreed. “Gunn and I will meet you girls later at the Bronze.”

“The Bronze?” Buffy remarked.

“Yeah, they expanded.” Faith explained.

“Cool, we’ll go in my car.” Buffy offered. “Faith, Fred, we have some serious shopping to do. Let’s go.”

“’Kay.” Faith grabbed her jacket and kissed Gunn lightly on the lips. “Later, boys.”

The three girls exited the Summers Detective Agency. Unbeknownst to them, a figure was watching them, waiting for the right time to make their move.

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