Chapter 6: Confessions

~Los Angeles City Mall-1:22 pm~

“This mall is huge! So much bigger than what’s in the Dale!” Buffy exclaimed. “I’m so glad I moved here.”

“You haven’t even seen the inside yet.” Faith laughed. “Come on.”

She drags Buffy and Fred into numerous stores where the three try on different outfits. The trio are on their way to Neiman Marcus when Faith bumps into somebody accidentally.

“Oh my god, Amy?!” Faith screamed when she saw the person that she bumped into. “What are you doing here?”

“Umm, shopping. I was supposed to meet Cordelia here over an hour ago.” Amy smiled sadly at Buffy. “Hi, Buffy. How are you doing?”

“I’m just peachy.” Buffy shrugged. “I didn’t know you and Whor--Cordelia--were friends.”

“We’re not really.” Amy explained. “She asked me and Anya Jenkins to be in her wedding party. Kind of forced us into it, actually. I’m so sorry to hear about you and Angel…”

“Don’t be.” Buffy told her. “Angel and I had broken up long before that.”

“Yeah, but he still loves you. Any normal Joe can see that.” Amy said, recalling past memories of the two ex lovers. “I just--He doesn’t need to marry her just ‘cuz she got pregnant. I mean, if that was the issue, why didn’t he just marry you Senior Year?”

Buffy chose that moment to give her the You-Better-Get-The-Hell-Out-Of-Here-Before-I-Fucking-Kill-You look. Amy quickly said her goodbyes and walked off in search of Cordelia once more.

“You were…my brother…Senior Year?!” Faith hyperventilated. “Oh…my…fucking…God….”

“Faith, calm down.” Buffy advised her.

“Calm down?!” Faith growled at her. “Buffy, I’m your best friend and you didn’t even tell me. So, what the Hell happened then?”

“I lost it.” Buffy sighed. “I lost the baby. During the car accident I had the following July after Graduation…Angel came to see me then. We’d broken up already. He’d wanted to get married, I didn’t. So, when I lost the baby, he was heartbroken. Couldn’t even stand to look at me. I haven’t seen him since that day.”

“I had no idea.” Faith cried as she hugged her best friend. “No wonder why Angel wants to marry Cordelia now. It’s so obvious.”

“Hey, look.” Buffy wiped her eyes. “It doesn’t matter anymore, all right? I will never forget my little boy, but I have to move forward.”

“A little boy.” Faith took a minute to process the information. “What would you have named him?”

“Michael O’Connor.” Buffy sobbed. “Now look, we have to quit talking now. You’re ruining my whole tough chick façade. The three of us have shopping to do. We shouldn’t be getting all weepy.”

“I know. You’re right.” Faith nodded. “Fred, why are you just standing there? Come on.”

“Sorry.” Fred apologized. “Didn’t want to interrupt your girl bonding moment.”

“Please do.” Buffy encouraged her. “You’re our friend too. I know we didn’t meet until college but there’s no reason why you should feel left out.”

“Okay.” Fred agreed and nodded.

“Now…” Buffy smiled. “Let’s go get those shoes, okay?”

The trio laughed. They walked off to Neiman Marcus in search of their final purchases. No one had any idea that nothing would be the same after the night was over. No idea whatsoever.

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