Chapter 8: Truth Hurts
“Wake up!” Willow slapped Buffy across the face. “Don’t poop out on me now, dammit. The fun hasn’t even started yet.”
“Why?” Buffy muttered. “Willow, we’ve been friends forever.”
“Why?” Willow scoffed. “No, we haven’t, Buffy. Up until the time Angel O’Connor came into the big picture, we haven’t been friends at all. You’ve been too caught up in your former boy toy to give a single thought to the people that matter. Did you ever think about how I would feel? No, of course you didn’t. You’re so self absorbed, Buffy. It’s pathetic.”
“You’re one to talk, Willow.” Buffy spit out. “You had to tie me up to beat me. What does that constitute? You’re a thundering loony. Angel’s going to find me, you know. He always does. And just wait until the authorities get a hold of you. It’s the perfect crime. An honor student goes schitzo because she’s jealous of her best friend. They’re going to put you away for life.”
“Angel won’t save you.” Willow gleamed. “Let’s just say…that he’s out of the picture.”
What the fuck did you do to him?” Buffy snapped.
“It’s not what I did.” Willow told her. “See, if he and you hadn’t been so hot and heavy all those years, this never would have happened. The truth is that Angel is preoccupied when it comes to you. If he had spent less time with you, and more time with Cordelia who is totally hung up on him, it wouldn’t have come to this.”
“So, you are working with Cordelia?” Buffy asked. “I knew she was up to no good.”
“What, you think I drummed this up all on my own?” Willow laughed. “No. Not even I could. Cordelia came to me with the perfect proposition. She gets pregnant, Angel marries her, thereby getting you out of the picture.”
“And what? You swoop in like the brave knight and rescue me?” Buffy laughed. “You actually believe that I would choose you over Angel?”
“You did before.” Willow explained. “Then those little fucking friends of yours had to fuck up the plan.”
“By what? Letting me know that the love of my life was having a kid that wasn’t mine?” Buffy asked. “You’re sick, Willow. You need help.”
“I’m perfectly sane, I assure you.” Willow shook her head. “You’re so confused right now. It’s understandable. I’ll make it better, Buffy. I’ll make you understand. I can make you love me.”
“I don’t swing that way, Willow.” Buffy told her. “You know that. I won’t ever love you the way you want me to. I’m sorry.”
“Then you’ll die.” Willow produced a gun and pointed it at her head. “Let’s go over it one more time. Think you can love me?”
“Wake up, sweetie.” A voice called to Angel.
“Cordelia?” Angel groaned. “What happened?”
“Silly Angel. I kidnapped you.” Cordelia cackled.
“Where’s Buffy?” he asked.
“She’s occupied at the moment.” Cordelia shrugged. “Don’t worry about it.”
“What the hell did you do to her?” he growled.
“I left her in trusting hands.” Cordelia nodded.
“What are you doing, Cordy?” Angel asked her. “I thought things were good between us now. I’m committed to you and our child. So, what’s with the bondage?”
“You are just so dense, you know that?” Cordelia scoffed. “I mean, always worrying about your precious Buffy. God, and I tried my hardest to make you forget her, but nothing *fucking* works. All you had to do was love me, Angel.”
“I don’t.” Angel admitted. “I can never love you, Cordelia. I thought I’ve made that perfectly clear from the beginning. I don’t love you, not the way you’d like.”
“Why? Because I’m not your precious Buffy?!” Cordelia shrieked. “I’m better for you than her, Angel. I know that you can love me more than you ever loved her, if you’d just give me the chance. I can make you love me.”
“That’s not possible.” Angel grunted. “I will never love you, Cordelia Chase.”
“Is that your final answer?” Cordelia asked, as she pointed the gun to Angel’s forehead.
“Yes.” Angel gulped.
One final shot rang out.