Chapter 9: Forgive Me

One final shot rang out.

“Mother fucker.” Cordelia cursed as she fell in the floor in pain. She looked back and saw her attacker.

“Hello, Cordelia.” Faith said, clutching the gun. “Miss me?”

“Bitch.” the brunette cursed.

“I am.” Faith agreed. “Don’t you dare move a muscle, or I swear that next time I won’t miss the heart.”

Cordelia stayed on the floor. Faith motioned for Gunn and Wesley to untie Angel.

“Thanks.” Angel told his sister.

“Well, someone had to play hero to your damsel in distress.” Faith joked.

“What about the kid?” Angel asked as Faith was motioning to leave Cordelia there.

“What kid, Angel? Cordelia never had a child.” Faith explained. “It was a ruse, and we fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker.”

“So, she’s…” Angel started to say.

“Uh huh.” Faith told him. “Now, let’s get out of here. I still have to find my best friend.”

“You didn’t find her yet.” Angel stated.

“We’re working on it.” Faith promised him. “We even have a lead.”

“Who?” Angel inquired.

“You’re not going to believe this, but…Willow.” Faith remarked.

Willow?” Angel scoffed. “Redhead, computer genius, Buffy’s best friend, Willow Rosenberg?”

“That’s the one.” Faith nodded in agreement. “We even have an eyewitness that can prove her obsession with Buffy.”

“We need to find her.” Angel ordered.

“Why?” Faith sighed. “So, you can say ‘you’re sorry’ for making the biggest mistake of your life? No. Or how bout you say ‘you’re sorry’ for the years of pain, you’ve caused my best friend? Hey, how about this scenario…You go home, think about all the pain and suffering you’ve caused each and every one of us these last few months. Then, when you feel truly sorry for what you’ve done, you can get on your hands and knees in front of all of us and beg for forgiveness...Sounds fair, don’t you think?”

“Faith…” Angel called out.

“No, Angel.” Faith glared at him. “You need to realize that you made mistakes. You can’t try and fix everything. You chose to believe a lying, manipulative bitch instead of your friends, your sister, and the woman you claim to love. How does that seem fair? You really need to do some searching, and until you have the answers, I think that’s all there really is to say. Don’t you?”

Instead of letting him answer, Faith walked out of the abandoned industrial building, not looking back once.


“So, think you can love me?” Willow asked, the gun pointed at Buffy’s forehead.

“No.” Buffy grunted.

“Boom.” Willow said right before she pulled the trigger.

Buffy closed her eyes and waited for the trigger to be pulled. She felt the gun being removed from her forehead and opened her eyes. Willow was standing there, shaking, holding the gun in her hands.

“Willow, please.” Buffy pled. “Stop this madness. You can still save yourself.”

“No.” Willow shook her head. “It’s too late for me.”

“What about Oz?” Buffy started grasping at straws. “He loves you so much. I know you loved him too.”

“Try seeing him fuck a little groupie…Then maybe you’ll know about that love he shared for me.” Willow scoffed.

“I know what it’s like to lose someone you love, Willow.” Buffy nodded. “It’s hard, and it kills you inside. You feel like your whole body is numb and like you aren’t even existing anymore.”

“Is this the part where you tell me I’m supposed to get help. No thanks. I’m very perfectly sane, you know.” Willow lifted the gun up again. “Now, here’s your last chance, Summers. What’s it going to be? Me or taking your own life?”

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