Chapter 3: Justice

~November 1, 2003~

I failed. That’s all I’ve heard from the Senior Partners for the last twelve hours. Angel’s soul is still in tact, and all I got was a lousy roll in the sack.

All my big privileges have been revoked. No killing, no maioming, no hitting on any coworkers, except the Slayer-loving Scourge of Europe. Trust me, the sex wasn’t even that great.

All I heard throughout the act was "Ooh, yeah" and "I love you, Buffy".

Can you say ‘make me yack’?

You think I even care about what some vampire Slayer gets off on?

Then said stupid bitch has the audacity to barge in with Angel’s friends just as I’m about to climax. I wasn’t even able to get my pleasure from the whole thing.

Although, I must say, that the look on blonde Slayer’s face was indescribable. Such agony and despair, knowing that I could fuck her lover into oblivion before they even had a shot a reconciliation. I’ll have to admit, her pain made me feel a slight tinge of victory.

Stupid brute that the vampire was, he wouldn’t even finish what we started. Barely inserted Tab A into Slot B when those lame ass friends of his barged in.

The Senior Partners only sent me to make sure Angelus came out to play. Now, with that Blonde Slayer-bitch back in town, there’s no possible chance of his alter ego coming out to wreak havoc, unless of course the Slayer does herself though.

She’s not that stupid. They went through it once and I’m more that positive she doesn’t want to repeat said experience.

Someone needs to take that bitch out. Someone that can’t be traced back to the Senior Partners or me.

We’ll get her, I promise you that. She’s just a stepping stone in their plan for Angel. We’ll take her out, preferably with lots of blood and lots of torture.

You know what they say……

Vengeance is a beautiful thing.

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