Chapter 5: Devotion

~November 1, 2003~

When Angel mentioned her, he never went into too much detail. Now I see why. Gorgeous girl like that, who would want to forget her?

I saw the look on her face when she found them. Heartbreak, resentment, anger. I never saw that with Fred, even after we killed that professor. I think That’s part of the reason our relationship wasn’t the real deal.

I loved Fred, part of me always will. Thing is, though, she doesn’t realize that she’s in love with Wesley. Always has been, always will be.

Back to the big issue at hand. Angel made a huge mistake, sleeping with Eve. I’m not condoning what he did, but none of us expected his ex to find them having sex on his apartment floor.

I knew, though. I was close by when Lorne so blatantly told them to get a room. I could’ve convinced Angel to stop it.

But I didn’t. I tried to stall Buffy, when she arrived, but she wasn’t fooled and I didn’t want to go up against the best vampire Slayer in history.

Now I ruined their relationship. The one chance my friend could’ve been happy, and I preempted it until further notice.

I have to tell Angel that I knew beforehand. I just can’t lie to my friend. He can kill me, torture me, beat me until I’m blue in the face but knowing that I cleared my head with him will be worth it.

I mean, isn’t that what family’s all about? Being honest with the people you care about?

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