Chapter 6: Witness
~November 1, 2003~
I never wanted to be a party to what I saw last night. Seeing Angel with that Eve, it just stumps me.
Angel loves Buffy, and judging by the way Buffy was heartbroken over his betrayal, I’m confident that she loves him, too.
Just like I love Wesley. I admit it. Seeing Buffy and Angel and knowing what this has done to their relationship, I just can’t bottle up my feelings anymore.
Dancing with Wesley last night….it felt so right, being in his arms. I have to tell him, but first I need to talk to Buffy.
She seemed like a nice girl, the kind you’d want to be your friend. She’s loyal, a great fighter. I can see that when she gives her heart to someone, she gives it fully.
Now…I’m afraid for both of them. As soon as she saw them together, I’m not sure that they can ever bounce back from this.
I want them to be happy, hell I even want Spike to be. I know that he can never be happy unless he’s with Buffy, but she doesn’t love him. He knows that. He told me so last night.
I have to make this right. What was that line from the movie?
“Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”
I once told Angel that love was heartbreak and that was a good thing to avoid. I can see now the error of my ways.
After all, what’s a life without love?