Chapter 8: Resolve

~November 1, 2003~

It’s unfair. I’ve witnessed it firsthand for many years now. People who should be together aren’t.

Buffy and Angel both deserve to be happy and the only way that that can happen is when they’re with each other.

They’ve had many years apart. Too many, if you ask me. He left to find someone else, and from what I gather, that didn’t really turn out too well.

She broke up with that Riley guy, died and then started an unhealthy relationship with Spike that only consisted of sex. It didn’t help that Angel was mooning over Cordelia at the time.

Angel realized his true feelings though, when Cordy lapsed into her coma. He was her best friend, and that’s all they’d ever be. Same with Spike and Buffy, though, if you ask Spike, I’m sure he’d disagree.

They came to a conclusion. Their hearts would always belong to each other, even if they were with other people.

I think that the reason why she came back last night was to talk to him. I’m pretty sure she had something important to tell him, but all of us were to busy doing our own thing to notice.

Lorne was kicking it up with Sebassis, Gunn was flirting with some blonde-haired chick, I was too wrapped up in my feelings for Fred, and Angel was doing it with Eve on his apartment floor.

Fred. She’s the one thing in this town that still keeps me here. We have a connection, her and I, and I’m sure that after last night, she feels it too.

I need to focus on the task at hand. Buffy is a key role in Angel’s fight for humanity. In his Shanshu prophecy, she’s mentioned. They’re supposed to fight together, on the same side, during that time.

I’m standing outside her hotel room right now. I knock on the door lightly, prepared for her to pummel me right then.

She answers the door and stares, wide eyed.

“Welcome home, Buffy.” I blurt out.

And she hugs me. She knows that she really is home for once in her life.

Now we all know it, too.

She’s where her heart is, and that’s really all that matters now.

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