Chapter 11: The Battle Begins

“Angel.” Xander said the following day at school. “Don’t listen to Spike. He’s just very overprotective of his sister. It’ll blow over in a few days.”

“I don’t think it will, Xander.” Angel argued. “I know that if that was Faith, I’d never forgive the guy. I’d do the exact same thing. I can’t blame Spike for what he feels. In fact, I praise the guy for it. That’s why I’m transferring to a prep-school. Faith and I talked about it with my parents last night, and we think that it’s better that way. Faith’ll still go here, but by the end of this week, I’ll be out of here.”

“I’m sorry, Angel.” Cordelia said. “I’m gonna talk to Spike about this. He’ll listen to me. I’m Buffy’s best friend.”

“I highly doubt he’s going to take what you have to say seriously, Cordelia.” Angel told her. “Spike wasn’t playing games. I’ve got to get to class. I’ll see you guys later.”

“I’ve got to do something, Xander.” Cordelia said. “This is all my fault. If I’d just kept my big mouth shut, we’d all still be better off.”

“Listen, Cor, there’s nothing you can do about it now. We just have to roll with the consequences.” Xander explained. “Besides, I’m glad that Buffy and I broke up. She doesn’t love me, I don’t love her. I think that the reason we stayed together for so long was because we were comfortable around each other.”

“I just…Xander, I hate seeing them torn up like this.” Cordelia sighed. “How did things end up like this?”

“It’s called love, Cordelia. They’re both so in love with each other that they can’t think straight.” Xander reminded her.

“If they’re so in love, then what the Hell is Buffy doing macking it up with Parker?” Cordelia pointed to a locker down the hall.

“I don’t know.” Xander shook his head. “But she’s coming this way.”

“Hey, guys.” Buffy smiled. “What’s up?”

“Nothing.” Cordelia said cheerily. “How are you?”

“Good.” Buffy nodded. “Cor, are we still on for our monthly ritual?”

“Buffy, I didn’t think we still had our monthly ritual.” Cordelia told her. “You’ve been kind of absentee gal the last couple months.”

“I know.” Buffy apologized. “I’ve just been so stressed lately. I guess I just completely freaked when you told me that Angel had feelings for me.”

“Understandable.” Cordelia hugged her. “Friends?”

“Always.” Buffy smiled. “So, Xand….”

“Buffy.” He said.

He was stunned as she hugged him fiercely. When she pulled away, she saw the weird look formed on his face.

“I’m happy for you.” She told him. “Be happy, okay? And don’t make a scene.”

“What changed your mind?” Xander asked.

“Let’s just say…that I had a real eye opener.” She winked. “I have to go, you guys. I’ll see you later.”

With that, Buffy Summers walked away smiled to herself. Things were finally looking up in the world.

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