Chapter 10: Dumping The Trash

“Look at that!” Cordelia exclaimed as she walked into the Bronze arm in arm with her date, Xander Harris. “She’s dancing with Parker?! This could ruin everything she’s worked for.”

“Buffy’s going through a phase.” Willow told them. “My Uncle told me about this. Buffy craves the attention, so by dating someone practically everyone in this town hates, she’s getting that attention.”

“Thanks, Knowledge Girl.” Faith winked. “Come on, Spike. Do something. She’s your sister. Talk to her.”

“Someone should. Buffy couldn’t do any worse than where she’s at right now. And who’s to blame?” Darla pointed to Angel, Xander, and Cordelia. “You three. Huh. Her so-called friends sure stabbed her in the back with this one. I don’t think she’ll ever trust you again.”

“Get out of here, Darla.” Spike growled at Darla.

“Trust me, I never intended to stay.” Darla walked off. “Oh, but just a quick note. She’s gonna fuck Parker at Prom. Later.”

“Shit.” Cordelia muttered.

“This is not gonna happen.” Spike growled and pulled his sister apart from Parker.

“Spike, what the Hell are you doing?” Buffy yelled. “I was on a date here.”

“Buff, do you even realize that Parker only wants you for a lay?” Spike bellowed. “I won’t allow some miserable low-life to ruin my baby sister like that.”

“You don’t have a say in the matter.” Buffy told him. “It’s my life, not yours. And if I want to have sex with a guy, I will. Not like Xander never took care of that for me.”

“What?” Spike asked.

“Xander and I had been having sex for about a year and a half before we broke up.” Buffy smirked. “So, if you wanna blame anyone, blame him. Parker, let’s go.”

Buffy grabbed her jacket and stopped at the Bronze exit door. She looked back at Spike.

“Oh, and Spike?” Buffy called. “I won’t be coming home tonight. I’m eighteen years old and quite frankly, I don’t think I can be in the same house as you right now. I love you, but right now I can’t even look at you.”

She slammed the Bronze door on her way out.

“This is all your fault, O’Connor.” Spike yelled at Angel. “You just had to keep pushing, right? ‘Till you got her. Well, look at what’s happened. As of right now, you better watch your back. You did this to Buffy and if anything happens to her, I will hold you personally responsible.”

“Spike…” Faith pled.

“Don’t, Faith.” Spike walked off to the refreshment counter. “Just don’t.”

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