Chapter 9: Back To The Beginning
~Three Months Later (After Winter Break)~
“Oh my God.” Darla McGovern said as she watched Buffy Summers get out of her red BMW convertible. “Buffy, what’s with the leather?”
“A new look.” Buffy rolled her eyes. “Oh please. You didn’t think I was dress all preppy for the rest of my life? Please! Preppy is so over.”
“So true.” Darla nodded. “Not that you give a damn but our Cordelia is going out with your ex tonight. Can you believe it? Xander and Cordelia?”
“Excuse me?!” Buffy yelled. “Xander and Cordelia? Wait, I don’t care. You know what? They can have each other.”
“Buffy, there you are.” Cordelia approached her best friend. “What’s going on? And what’s with the leather? Did I miss the memo again?”
“You bitch!” Buffy spat out as she slapped Cordelia. “How could you do this to me? You knew how I felt about Xander and yet, ironically, you were the one who encouraged me to break up with him.”
“Relax, Buff. We just had coffee a couple times. Xander and I are friends. Can’t friends spend time together?” Cordelia told her.
“Do you have feelings for him?” Buffy asked straightforwardly.
“Yes.” Cordelia admitted. “But I won’t act on them. You’re my best friend. No guy’s worth losing your best friend over.”
“That’s rich, Cordy.” Buffy snorted. “As of this moment, our friendship is over. You got what you wanted. Now live with it.”
She, Darla, and the 'Buffettes' walked off. Xander walked up to Cordelia moments later.
“Hey.” Xander smiled at his friend. “I saw you talking to Buffy.”
“She hates me, Xander.” Cordelia told him. “She thinks we’re dating.”
“Are we?” Xander asked her. “C’mon, Cordelia. I like you a lot. I never thought I would find someone else after losing Buffy. She can be a jealous bitch but deep down, she’s scared. She’s scared of love, always has been. I know now that she was right. I didn’t love her. She was a high school crush. I want to date you, Cordelia.”
“Xander, I don’t want to lose her as my friend.” Cordelia cried.
“She’ll get over it, Cordy.” Xander hugged her. “Let me walk you to class?”
“Sure, whatever.” She nodded.
“Hey, Buffy.” Angel greeted his crush as they walked into class.
“What the Hell do you want?” Buffy snapped at him.
Nothing. Just wanted to say hi.” Angel told her. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Other than my life has been a downward spiral for the last three months? Nothing. And it all started with you just waltzing into town. Why couldn’t you have just stayed away?!” Buffy yelled. “All our lives were better off without you and Faith fucking things up!”
“Look, I’m sorry about you finding out about Cordelia and Xander.” Angel growled at her. “Just because you can’t deal with the fact that your ex is drooling over someone other than yourself doesn’t give you the right to accuse me or Faith of something we didn’t do. You just need to deal.”
“Whatever.” Buffy grabbed her bag and walked out of class. She ran smack into Parker Abrams in the hall.
“Buffy, hey.” Parker smiled. “I’m sorry about Xander and Cordelia.”
“Why? Xander and I are over.” Buffy told him.
“I know. I just was surprised. And glad.” Parker told her.
“Why glad?” Buffy asked.
“Cuz I like you.” Parker told her. “You wanna get out of here?”
“Please.” Buffy agreed as he took her hand and led her to his car.
“What do you think?” Parker asked as they sat down inside. Buffy straddled him.
“As long as you promise to let me drive stick, we’ll be okay.” Buffy winked.