Chapter 8: Dealing With Heartache
“Morning.” Cordelia smiled the next day at school.
“Oh, hi.” Xander faked a smile.
“You okay? What’s wrong?” Cordelia asked.
“Buffy--She…We broke up last night.” Xander told her.
“I’m sorry.” Cordelia apologized. “I knew you two were fond of each other.”
“Fond?! I love her, Cordelia. I have from the moment she walked up those steps. I wasn’t fond of her.” Xander yelled. “It hurts, Cordy. I feel like she ripped out my heart a stomped on it a million times over.”
“I know.” Cordelia nodded. “Xander, do you want my advice?”
“Sure, whatever.” Xander sighed.
“Move on.” Cordelia told her. “You can’t sit there pining over a girl who doesn’t return your feelings. I did the same thing with Owen. It was a waste and I regret that I was that stupid. Don’t make the same mistake I did, Xand.”
“I don’t know if I can, Cordelia.” Xander said. “I can’t make any promises.”
“All right.” Cordelia nodded. “Hey, what are you doing tonight? Wanna go see a movie or we could talk over coffee together.”
“Are you asking me out, Miss Chase?” Xander flirted.
“Maybe. Are you saying yes?” Cordelia inquired.
“Yeah.” Xander agreed. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
“Okay.” Cordelia said and walked away. *What the Hell? Why did I just ask him out? He is kinda cute. Oh my God! I’m think I’m falling for Xander Harris!*