Chapter 4: Spike’s Question

“So what is it you wanted to ask me?” Harmony asked Spike as they sent down on an empty bench. “It must have been way important because you couldn’t ask me if front of your friends.”

“Actually, I just didn’t want to ask you in front of Buffy.” Spike admitted. “She’s over-protective when it comes to me. She doesn’t want to see me get hurt.”

“Neither do I, Will.” Harmony replied sincerely. “Why would I? We’ve known each other for years. We’re best friends.”

“Harmony, what I wanted to ask you--Will you go out with me this weekend? I really like you and I want more.” Spike blurted out. “Okay, usually silence isn’t a good answer. I just admitted my feelings, Harm. Say something.”

“Will--I don’t know what to say. I don’t like you like that. We’re best friends. I’m sorry if I led you on in any way.” Harmony apologized. “See, I’ve been acting strange around you ‘cuz I like your friend Charles Gunn. I’m so sorry Will.”

“You like Gunn?” Spike grinned. “This is wonderful, Harm!”

“It is?” Harmony questioned. “But I thought--”

“No. I thought you liked me so I had an idea to make you hate me after a couple of dates. Let me set you and Gunn up. You can meet him tonight at the Bronze around, I don’t know, ten-ish?” Spike asked.

“Yeah.” Harmony hugged him. “Thanks for understanding, Will.”

“No, Harm. Thank you.” Spike stood up and walked away. *Things are finally looking up for you, friend.*

Spike was too busy lost in his thoughts he didn’t see Faith bump into him.

“Sorry.” Spike apologized.

“No, I didn’t see you there.” Faith sighed. “My name’s Faith. Faith O’Connor.”

“William Summers. Everyone calls me ‘Spike’ though.” Spike told her.

“Wait, you’re Buffy’s brother, right?” Faith asked. “I met her at lunch today. Look, I have to get to class. Um, I’m meeting your sister and a bunch of her friends at the Bronze tonight. Maybe I’ll see you there?”

“Yeah, cool.” Spike smiled and walked away. “‘Yeah, cool?’ Real good, Spike. Stupid idiot!”

“Oh, no. That didn’t sound desperate at all, Faith!” Faith scolded herself as she trudged to class. “Now, he’ll really see your desperateness when he finds you at the Bronze tonight. Oh, god. What the Hell am I gonna wear?!”

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