Chapter 5: Clothing Nightmares and Meaningful Talks
“How do I look?” Cordelia Chase asked her best friends as she walked back into the bedroom. “Is it too sexy? Do I want it to show too much cleavage. I don’t wanna turn him off, you know?”
“Cordy, I think it’s fine. The black leather miniskirt is perfect. Plus, the black long sleeved midriff bearing top totally shows off your fab and fit bod.” Buffy assured her. “I think Angel’ll fall head over heels once he sees you.”
“He better.” Cordelia said. “I’m very high maintenance. I don’t go for just anyone.”
“We know.” Buffy and Willow said simultaneously.
“Speaking of, what are you gonna wear?” Willow asked Buffy. “You always have a new outfit whenever we go dancing.”
“Oh, I do. It’s this cute little maroon top with an opening where my belly button is. I also bought these cute black leather pants that are to die for with adorable matching strappy heels.” Buffy described to them. “And you, Will?”
“Oh, just a sky blue tank top with some low-riser jeans.” Willow told them. “Practical, yet subtle.”
“Very nice.” Buffy said as she applied some strawberry lip gloss. “So, you talked to Faith, right? Both she and Angel are coming?”
“Correct.” Willow agreed. “She did ask if Spike was still coming. I don’t remember her meeting Spike today. Did one of you two mention him to her?”
“No.” Cordelia asked. “He did seem really happier after spending that alone time with Harmony.”
“No, Harm’s in like with Gunn.” Buffy shook her head. “Maybe they ran into each other after Spike and Harmony spoke. That would explain the idiot look on my brother’s face that I kept noticing after school. I guess I could see them together. After all, Faith’s got the bitchier I’m-so-much-better-than-you attitude. She could be one of us.”
“And Angel does have the hottie look stamped all over his forehead.” Willow nodded.
“This could be it, the something that makes me a shoe-in for Prom Queen!” Buffy squealed. “All you have to do is date Angel until they crown me over Darla and we’re good.”
“Hello, I’m also running!” Cordelia remarked.
“Oh, right. Unforeseeable problem.” Buffy sighed. “I still think I can win though. Just give it a shot. For me, please?”
“All right. And only because you’re my best friend!” Cordelia agreed. “Besides, we look real good in tiaras.”
Meanwhile, at the O’Connor Residence…………..
“How ‘bout this?” Faith asked her brother. “Or did you like the red one better?”
“Faith, I don’t think he’s gonna really care what you wear, as long as you show up, right?” Angel said.
“Sometimes, for being a smarter, older brother, you can be so dense.” Faith snapped. “I like these people, Angel. They’re my one chance at having a semi-normal group of friends and the last thing I need is for it to get fucked up based on the wrong outfit I wore to the Bronze on my first day. Now, be honest.”
“All right. The navy blue jeans and the black tank top. It’s subtle, yet stylish.” Angel told her.
“Oh, thank you!” Faith hugged him. “Lighten up, already. Now you ready to go?”
“Do I have to?” Angel teased.
“Come on. I promise if you hate them after two hours you can go and do whatever it is you do by yourself.” Faith tugged at his arm. “Now, come on. We’re gonna be late. Don’t fuck this up for me, O’Connor. I swear you’ll regret it if you try.”