Chapter 6: Comfort Zones

“Wow.” Faith said as she walked into the Bronze. “If this is the only good scene in town, I’ll be here 24/7.”

“Everyone pretty much is.” Cordelia said as she walked up to them. “Hi Faith, Angel. We weren’t sure you guys were gonna show. You’re late.”

“Fashionably on time.” Faith corrected and smiled when Cordelia chuckled. “I’m, um, gonna go say hi to B.”

“So, do you talk?” Cordelia asked Angel. “You just seem really quiet.”

“I like your friend.” Angel told her.

“Huh?” Cordelia said. “Excuse me?”

“Buffy. I like Buffy.” Angel explained.

“Oh. Oh. I see.” Cordelia nodded. “Look you want some friendly advice? Stay away from Buffy. She’s perfectly happy with Xander. And besides, last time Xander caught someone who wasn’t Spike or him hanging around to closely with Buffy….The guy landed up in a hospital.”

“Thanks.” Angel smiled. “I can hold my own.”

“It’s good to talk to you, Angel. I’d like it if we forgot about this little excursion and maybe be friends?” Cordelia asked.

“I’d like that.” Angel agreed. “So, you wanna introduce me to your gang?”

“See how perfectly they’re getting along?” Buffy mentioned to Xander as she watched the conversation. “I think our Cordy’s in love.”

“Hey guys.” Cordelia said as she and Angel walked over together. “What’s up?”

“Nothing, really.” Buffy replied, taking a sip of her Cherry Coke. “Just doing our thang, you know.”

“Hey.” Spike said as he noticed Faith.

“Hi, Spike.” Faith blushed.

“Wanna dance?” Spike wondered.

“That’s a great idea, Spike. Let’s all dance.” Buffy led Xander out to the dance floor. “He seems a lot happier than I’ve ever seen him, even when he was with Dru.”

“Stop trying to play matchmaker.” Xander scolded. “If it’s meant to be, it will be.”

“I just want to see my friends happy? Is that a crime?” Buffy asked.

“Depends on the kind of happy.” Xander joked. “Hey, it was a joke. You know I love you.”

“I know.” Buffy nodded. “Nothing’s ever gonna come between us, right?”

“As long as I live and breathe.” Xander promised. “Besides, as long as we love each other, nothing can stand in our way.”

“Xander Harris, a romantic?” Cordelia chimed in. “Who knew?”

“Sure as hell not me.” Buffy said. “Cordy and I are gonna freshen up. Be right back.”

Buffy drags Cordelia into the restroom.

“So, what did he say? Are you two gonna hook up or what?” Buffy asked.

“Not quite. Angel has the hots for another girl.” Cordelia told her.

“Who is she?!” Buffy questioned.

“You. Angel O’Connor has a crush on you, Buffy.” Cordelia admitted.

“Oh, fuck.” Buffy cursed.

“Fuck, indeed.” Cordelia agreed.

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