Chapter 12: Slacker Free
Buffy just wandered the malls and tourist shops for the rest of the day. She couldn’t go back to the apartment, not now. She was still so hurt and angry. She felt so betrayed.
Granted, she hardly knew Fred, but Wesley was her watcher. He had been for months before the council fired him. He should have had the common courtesy to tell her what they were planning.
Buffy hadn’t wanted to lie to them, but somehow she didn’t think the words, “You’ve fucked me over, sorry if I don’t want to make a play day out of it today” were the right words to go about that.
She also knew Angel would be coming home soon. And home meant back to his friends, ergo, back to Fred and Wesley.
She couldn’t be around for that.
She couldn’t ever forgive him, not after his betrayal with Eve, and then the whole Riley issue. He had anger issues and she wasn’t going to be around to watch him worth through them.
She wasn’t going to be his personal punching bag while he got through those said issues.
All she was here was because of Fred and Wesley’s wedding, and that was it. After that, everything would blow over and she would be back on her way to New York, living at least a semi normal life.
And it was because of that that she felt that darkened feeling in the pit of her stomach. She didn’t even have to turn around to know who it was behind her.
“Hello, Spike.” She muttered and turned around to face the fallen vampire she’d left behind all those years ago.
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