Chapter 13: Power Of Truth

“Hello, Spike.” She muttered and turned around to face the fallen vampire she’d left behind all those years ago.

“Buffy.” he stated in shock.

“What, no hug?” she mocked. “How did you know it was me?”

“I didn’t. I thought you were Nina, my girlfriend.” Spike told her.

“Oh.” Buffy mumbled.

“So, what are you doing here, exactly?” Spike asked her.

“I’m here for Wesley and Fred’s wedding.” Buffy explained. “And to get away from Angel.”

“You do know this is his town, pet?” Spike questioned. “I take it Peaches saw you in New York then?”

“Yes, and how do you want me to thank you for that? A round of pummeling before knocking you unconscious or do you just want the unconscious part now? Cuz I’m for the former.” Buffy ground out. “How did you find out, by the way? I’m guessing Willow.”

“Yeah, Red let it out accidentally.” Spike nodded. “So, you don’t sound too shocked to see me.”

“I’m not. Willow told me that you were alive, but she failed to mention she told you where I was.” Buffy replied. “So, Los Angeles is treating you right?”

“Yeah. Never thought I’d say it, but it almost feels like home.” Spike said as he sat down next to her.

“I really missed you, Spike.” Buffy told him as they hugged each other

“I’ve missed you too, pet.” Spike said as he pulled away. “So, what are you gonna do now?”

“Well, after the wedding, I’m going back to New York. Wills and Kennedy are there, and I do have Slayers to train.” Buffy remarked. “I can’t stay here.”

“You know he’ll follow you back, don’t you?” Spike questioned. “He’ll follow you where ever you go.”

“I know.” Buffy said and then frowned. “Since when did you become a big Angel fan?”

“I’m not. That hurts, pet, that hurts.” Spike faked a pain. “I’m not a fan of Peaches, but the bloke makes you happy whether you care to admit it or not.”

“That’s not--” Buffy shook her head.

“True? How thick do you think I am?” Spike asked. “You may not like him at the moment, and hey who could blame you after his endeavor with Eve, surely not me. But you know that if it wasn’t for the magical influence he never would have.”

“But he was attracted to her before that.” Buffy mentioned.

“As he was with Cordelia and with Nina, my girlfriend.” Spike agreed. “Is it wrong for him to be attracted to other women after not being able to be with you? He is only human, Buffy…Actually, he’s not. But he does have human emotions. You can’t blame him for that.”

“No. You’re right.” Buffy held up a hand to silence him. “I never thought of it that way before. But…That still doesn’t change the fact that they he slept with her…and enjoyed it. The fact that he enjoyed it without me being the other party involved…It’s unreal.”

“Guys can enjoy sex, Buffy, even if it’s not with their soul mate. I did, even when I was with mine, Drusilla.” Spike corrected her. “I don’t think his non celibacy is the point here. I believe what you’re scared of is that…you are afraid to commit.

“Afraid to commit?” Buffy repeated. “Please!”

“Come on, Buffy. You know it’s the truth as well as I do.” Spike told her. “You can’t commit, you’re afraid to. Especially with Angel. He broke your heart.”

“I don’t want to talk about this with you.” Buffy said, standing up. “It was…an experience seeing you again, Spike.”

“Buffy--” Spike tried to say.

“No, shut up and leave me alone. You don’t know anything about me, you never did.” Buffy seethed and walked away.

“I know more about you than you think. I was you, once.” he whispered out loud and then went to find his girlfriend.

Buffy didn’t stop running until she was two blocks around the corner. She sunk to the ground, crying.

Spike was right.

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