Chapter 3: How To Deal

~New York City: A Week Later~

Angel watched as Riley left the apartment complex for his weekly morning ritual. Farmboy would go down the street to get breakfast, get in a cab and go to work, and be home on the dot at six o’clock in the evening.

Angel shudder in disgust. Buffy was back together with this jerkoff? At least with Spike, Angel knew he had a chance. He didn’t want the same thing to happen last time. Buffy choosing Riley over him.

Angel made his way into the apartment building. The sky was overcast today, thank God. When Angel finally arrived outside her apartment door, he froze.

What was he going to say now? Things hadn’t exactly gone smooth last time…

“What do you want, Angel?” Buffy snapped bitterly when she opened her hotel room door.

“I need to talk to you.” He replied.

“Talk to me?” Buffy let him in and slammed the door angrily. “The same way you ‘talked’ with Eve?”

“We were under a spell, Buffy.” Angel reminded her. “You, of all people, should know what that’s like.”

“Didn’t mean you had to get pelvic!” Buffy retorted. “God knows when you and I were under the spirits of those dead lovers we never did.”

“I was evil.” Angel sighed.

“Look, just say what you have to say and get out!” Buffy yelled. “I have somewhere to be.”

“You’re leaving?” Angel noticed her suitcase.

“You didn’t actually think I was going to stick around, did you?” Buffy chuckled. “Not even good ol’ Wes could convince me to. So get out.”

“I love you, Buffy.” Angel told her.

“I don’t.” she spat.

Angel shook his head. This was no time to be dwelling in the past. He knocked on the door.

“…Ri, did you forget--” Buffy couldn’t finish her sentence when she looked up. “Oh God.”

“Buffy.” Angel said.

“What--Why…What are you doing here?” Buffy asked him, making no move to invite him in.

“I…Spike told me you were here.” Angel explained.

“I never told him.” Buffy shook her head.

“Willow did.” Angel admitted. “Look, I know this is a surprise…”

“Understatement.” Buffy scoffed. “Go away, Angel.”

“You know I can’t do that.” Angel reminded her.

“You have to.” Buffy replied. “Just leave me alone, okay?”

With that, Buffy Summers slammed the door and left her one true love standing there speechless. Groveling was such a bitch…

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