Chapter 4: Admissions Of Truth

“Buffy?” Riley announced when he came home that night. “Are you here?”

“Yeah, Ri.” Buffy hugged him fiercely. “How was your day?”

“Fine. What’s wrong?” Riley saw her confused face and continued, “You never hug me fiercely and ask how my day was unless you’re upset. What is it?”

“It’s nothing.” Buffy sighed.

“Just tell me.” Riley replied.

“Angel.” Buffy countered. “He’s here. I saw him earlier.”

“Oh.’ Riley grew silent. “He’s come to see you?”

“No, he came to watch the Broadway shows and see the statue of Liberty.” Buffy retorted sarcastically. “Of course he came to see me, Riley. Why else would he be here?”

“What’d he want?” Riley asked.

“What do you think?” Buffy snapped. “He wants me, Riley. He came to apologize for what happened a year and a half ago. Then there was some groveling.”

“Are you, you know...going back to Los Angeles with him?” Riley inquired.

“No.” Buffy stated. “I can’t.”

“Why not?” Riley responded.

“Just ‘cuz.” Buffy turned away. “How’s Sam?”

“She’s good.” Riley smiled. “She had a baby girl.”

“That’s great!” Buffy hugged him again.

“We, um, we named her Elizabeth Anne Finn.” Riley beamed. “In honor of you.”

“You didn’t need to…” Buffy shook her head.

“We wanted to.” Riley told her. “So, Angel still thinks that you and I are together?”

“Yeah.” Buffy nodded. “I told Willow that you and Sam got divorced and that we had decided to give it another go again. It’s amazing how fast they spill the beans.”

“Yeah.” Riley agreed. “It is.”

“Thanks again for doing this, Ri.” Buffy replied gratefully. “I really appreciate it.”

“Hey, you’re my friend.” Riley reminded her. “It’s not a problem.”

“Hey, you’d better go.” Buffy told him. “I…I just need to be by myself right now. Thinks things over.”

“Aren’t you worried that he’s going to notice I’m not here?” Riley inquired.

“It’s really okay.” Buffy remarked. “I don’t want you here when I see him. Our ‘talks’ never seem to be calm. You have a wife and a baby to look after, mister! Go.”

“Okay.” Riley opened the door. “I’m really glad you’re here, Buffy.”

“Me, too.” She smiled in return. “Call me tomorrow?”

“I will.” Riley promised and left.

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