Chapter 6: Don't Tell Me

Angel walked slowly to Buffy’s apartment. It’s not that he was dreading going back and apologizing, oh no. He was just…gonna have to grovel. That is something that no one had every seen Liam/Angel/Angelus, the Scourge of Europe do.

And now he was doing it all for the love of one woman. A woman who could stake his ass at any second.

He finally reached her apartment fifteen minutes later. He stood at the door, staring at it. There were two possible scenarios to this.

First, she opens the door, he grovels and begs at her feet, and she takes him back, and they have mad, passionate love all day long…


Second, she opens the door, he grovels and begs at her feet, and she just laughs, stakes him, and slams the door happily.

He was beginning think the second scenario was more likely.

When he finally got up the nerve to knock, there was no answer. He waited a moment, and knocked again.

Still no answer.

So, he did what any reasonable non violent person would do.

He busted down the door.

No sign of anyone, or anything.

“Where the fuck is she?” he cursed.

A young woman walking by tapped lightly on his shoulder, and he turned around.

“If you’re looking for Buffy, she left about 20 minutes ago.” the brunette told him. “She said something about a wedding, and that she’d be in Los Angeles if anyone needed her.”

“She’s gone to L.A.?” Angel asked and then smiled. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

He wrapped her in a bear hug and went on his merry way. The young woman stared as he walked away.

“Damn that’s a fine ass.” she muttered.

“Kennedy, are you coming?” a voice called to her.

“Yeah, Will. I’m coming.” she called to her girlfriend.

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