Chapter 7: Coming Home

Buffy got off the plane and noticed Fred and Wesley waiting for her. She smiled and walked to them.

“Hey Wes.” Buffy hugged her former watcher. “You look good.”

“As do you.” he smiled happily.

“And you must be Fred. Wes has mentioned you…a lot, actually.” she told the brunette. “It’s nice to finally put a face to the name.”

“The same with you, although your name is pretty hush hush around here.” Fred told her and frowned. “Sometimes I let my mouth get the better of me.”

“It’s okay, really. Willow does it a lot too.” Buffy explained.

“So, where’s Angel?” Wes asked, grinning. “I take it the reunion went well then.”

“What reunion, Wes?” Buffy asked, shocked. “What makes you think that Angel and I are even back together?”

“That’s why he went to see you in New York in the first place, Buffy. He came to beg for your forgiveness…I believe there was going to be groveling of some kind.” Wesley commented. “What happened?”

“He came.” Buffy shrugged. “And left. And assumed things about Riley and me. It’s still the same old thing, Wesley. Quite frankly, I’m sick of this jealousy ‘tude he gets going every time he sees me with a guy. It’s tired.”

“So, where is Angel then?” Fred asked.

“As the typical situation had it, Kennedy probably told him I was on my way here, so I would imagine his plane should be arriving soon.” Buffy shrugged.

“So, where are you staying?” Wesley asked her.

“Um, hadn’t gotten that far.” Buffy sighed. “Giles said you two are opting for a rushed wedding, so here I am. Couldn’t let the former watcher get hitched without telling the bride of at least one horrific moment in your past!”

“I beg you not.” Wesley argued.

“He screams like a woman.” Buffy blurted out to Fred.

“I know.” Fred smirked and winked slyly at Wesley. The gesture did not go unnoticed by Buffy.

“Too much information.” Buffy cringed internally.

“So, I insist that you stay with me. Just until the wedding.” Fred alerted her. “It’s not like there’s a super huge amount of females here. With Cordy gone and all, there’s no girls, well in case you count Harmony and that evil chick Eve, so I have no one to talk to. Plus, Willow tells me you’re a Slayer, a fact which I already knew nonetheless from when she came to tell Angel you died that one time, and then obviously you came back, ‘cuz look here you are, and please stop me from rambling on and making a fool out of myself now.”

“It’s fine, Fred.” Buffy chuckled. “I’d love to stay with you. I don’t want to crash, though.”

“Please, like you could.” Fred said as they walked out of the airport, leaving Wesley behind to get the bags. “I can’t wait to catch up with you. Willow said that you turned thousands of hormonal girls all into Slayers. What’s that like?”

Wesley watched from a few feet away as he was carrying all the bags and muttered, “Women.

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