Chapter 10

“What the hell am I supposed to wear, Faith?!” Buffy cried, outraged, as she searched through her small pile of clothes.

“Stop stressing out, B.” Faith chuckled. “You can borrow something of mine.”

“Faith, I’m trying to avoid looking like a hooker.” Buffy told her.

“Hey! I take offense to that.” Faith told her.

“Sorry, I’m just stressed, I guess.” Buffy apologized. “This is the first guy I’ve liked in a really long time. I don’t wanna blow it.”

“But I’m sure you’d gladly blow him.” Faith mocked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

“Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with you.” Buffy sighed. “Okay, so do you have anything that’s not going to draw attention to me, and say "I’m-a-hooker-for-hire-ask-me-how”, you know?”

“I have just the thing.” Faith grinned. “It’s a sleek little number Mr. Montgomery bought me last year.”

“The politician guy?” Buffy asked, vaguely remembering.

“Assistant to the District Attorney, B.” Faith corrected her. “Honestly, where has your memory been heading to these days?”

“Obviously not with the sex, unlike the other party in this room.” Buffy remarked.

“Oh, like you weren’t thinking about it when you started flirting with Angie, you little hussy!” Faith replied truthfully. “Here you are.”

“Faith, it’s beautiful.” Buffy admired the peach cashmere top. “I can’t wear this.”

“Why not? We’re the same size, so I know it fits you.” Faith told her. “’Sides, I haven’t ever worn it. Haven’t had a reason to. And it’s not slutty, it’s very conservative, and I know you’ll look stunning in it. I want you to have it, Buffy.”

“Faith…” Buffy objected.

“This is the part where you say, ‘Thank you for the top, Faith.’. Just take it, Buffy. I want you to have it.” Faith forced the clothing to stay in Buffy arms.

“Thank you.” Buffy moved to hug Faith, but the brunette took a step back.

“I don’t hug,” came the reply.

“Right, let’s just shake on it, then.” Buffy put her hand out.

“Deal.” Faith smiled and shook her friend’s hand. “So, should I wait up for you tonight, or is the pootie in the mix?”

“Enough with the pootie!” Buffy spoke. “Faith, I’m going on a date, and somehow I doubt Angel is the type of guy who wants pootie on the first date.”

“With those arms? Somehow I really doubt that.” Faith snickered.

“You saw his arms?” Buffy remarked, her jealousy rising.

“Among other things I noticed,” Faith grinned. “And the main thing I noticed, was that your boy Angel didn’t give a damn. He was only concerned with one thing.”

”And what was that?” Buffy asked, while applying her lip gloss.

You.” Faith replied, and got a glare from Buffy. “Don’t give me that look, B. I saw it with my own eyes. You two dig each other, that much is obvious.”

“Okay, who are you, and what have you done with Faith?” Buffy questioned.

“Ha ha, you aren’t a comedienne, let me tell you.” Faith rolled her eyes. “But, you do know that eventually you are going to have to tell him, if you decide to get serious.”

“Faith, it’s just a date, it’s not like I’m actually getting hitched to him, you know? It’s a date, verbage singular. There’s no pluralities involved here. One date. We’ll see where things go from there.” Buffy told her.

“One more thing, B.” Faith told her. “Before we leave here, please, for the love of God, give that man some of the pootie!”

“You’re sick!” Buffy tossed a nearby pillow at her head and muttered, “Sex crazed bitch!”

Buffy finished applying her make up, and then set about doing her hair. She’d been told by previous clients that her hair looked rather sexy pulled away from her face, but it looked also looked best flowing, rather than up in a messy bun.

She pulled the lingering hair away, and left her lengthy bangs in front, and fastened the rest of her hair with small black clip.

“There,” Buffy sighed and nodded as she noticed herself in the mirror. “Ready now.”

“You look great!” Faith commented as she stepped into the bathroom. “Your guy’s downstairs, waiting the lobby. They called up here and wanted me to tell you.”

“Okay, thank you.” Buffy said and looked back at her reflection.

“B, stop stressing out, he’d even like you if you were covered in Gak.” Faith laughed. “Don’t want to keep this guy waiting, now do you?”

“I hate it when you use reverse psychology.” Buffy grumbled.

“Yeah, yeah.” Faith rolled her eyes as she pushed Buffy towards the door. “Now, get out there and go see your man!”

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