Chapter 4

~Six Months Later~

"Remind me again why we are here." Buffy whispered to Faith. "We are gonna get in SO much trouble if Maggie finds out about this."

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, B." Faith sighed. "You need to relax. Stop worrying so much. I've done this plenty of times before."

"And got caught a good portion of them." Buffy recalled. "Faith, I shouldn't be in a place like this, dressed like THIS. I look like...."

"A normal girl?" Faith finished. "Hmmm. Who would have thunk it?"

"Very funny." Buffy scoffed and slapped her arm playfully.

"Relax, B." Faith told her. "Have fun. FUN. I know that's a hard concept, but I'm sure even you can comprehend that."

"At this point, you're abusing sarcasm." Buffy fumed.

Faith just laughed and put her arm around her friend. Buffy forced a chuckle.

"This place is hoppin' tonight." Faith muttered as they walked to the bar. "Doyle!"

"Faithie." the Irish bartender greeted her. "And hello, cutie. Who's your friend?"

"Sorry. Doyle, Buffy. Buffy, Doyle. Buffy's my friend from--" Faith introduced them.

"The whorehouse of Maggie Walsh, at your service. Nice to meet you." Buffy smiled sweetly.

"Lass got spunk. I like that." Doyle winked mischeivously at her.

"So not interested." Buffy told him.

"Oh, but I already have a girl at home lass." Doyle explained and turned back to Faith. "What can I get you ladies tonight?"

"I'll just have a beer from the tap. Make it the good stuff, you know." Faith nodded. "Buffy?"

"Double shot of tequila, thanks." Buffy told him as she continued to search the crowd.

"You like your liquour hard, don't you, B?" Faith laughed and noticed what she was doing. "Relax, B. Walsh wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this. Trust me. It's too clubb-y for her."

"Okay." Buffy sighed.

"Thanks, D." Faith smiled as he handed her their drinks. "I owe you."

"You owe me a lot of these, Faithie. One day I'll take you up on that never-ending tab of yours." Doyle chuckled. "You ladies have fun now."

Faith nods and grabs Buffy's arm. They push their way through to an empty booth at the far end of the club. The friends sit on opposite ends of the booth, with Buffy sipping on her drink.

"You know, that aint going down your stomach any easier by sipping on it like a toddler." Faith commented after moments of silence.

"I know." Buffy nodded and continue to stare at the concoction.

"Alright, what bug crawled up your ass and died?" Faith asked. n "You've been a whiny little bitch all night."

"It's Maggie again." Buffy sighed. "She's got some new fuck hanging around that she wants to pawn me off on."

"Is he hot?" Faith pondered.

"Faith!" Buffy scolded. "So NOT the point here."

"What?!" Faith asked. "Buffy, you have to sleep with them. You know the consequences when you don't. And we both know that Maggie isn't going to let up on you any time soon. So, answer the question. Is he hot?"

"I haven't met him yet." Buffy shrugged. "It doesn't really matter though, does it? You know the drill. Fuck 'em and get paid. There's nothing else. No cuddles, no warm embraces. Just hot fucking for cold hard cash."

"Are you saying you want cuddles?" Faith asked.

"Maybe." Buffy blushed. "I just--"

"You just what?" Faith repeated.

"Don't you ever wonder..." Buffy sighed. "What if there's something more than this? What would happen if we finally just up and left and never looked back?"

"A few times. It hopeless dreaming, B. We aren't getting out of here anytime soon. At least, I'm not." Faith told her. "Are you saying you want to leave here?"

"I think I've always wanted to be gone." Buffy nodded. "I don't want to be a whore anymore, Faith. I don't want to have to fear for my life anymore when I walk down the street or don't get my chores finished on time. I want out of here, Faith, and I want you to come with me."

"B, I can't leave right now." faith shook her head. "Not even if I wanted to, which believe me when I say I do. It would look pretty conspicuous if the both of us just walked out of here. And what about Dawn? She's practically attached to your hip. You’re the only one who keeps her out of harm’s way and from being whored out by Maggie. If you and I leave, who is going to take care of her, protect her? Maggie will whore her out the first chance she gets and there won’t be a damn thing either of us can do to stop it. You know that.”

“I never thought about that.” Buffy told her.

“So, just wait a little while, just until you get things in order. Then, if you still wanna leave, we’ll go. Deal?”

“Deal.” Buffy agreed.

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