Chapter 5

“Deal.” Buffy agreed.

She took one last look at her tequila before gulping it down. Faith’s eyes watched in wonderment.

“What? I was thirsty.” Buffy breathed before belching. “Oops. Excuse me.”

“God, B. You’re such a nasty ass.” Faith joked.

“Sorry.” Buffy apologized. “My stomach is all growly.”

“Are you hungry? ‘Cuz I can have Doyle bring over some food.” Faith told her.

“I don’t wanna be too much trouble.” Buffy remarked.

“It’s no trouble at all. D!” Faith shouted. “Two of the regulars over here. And hurry, Blondie here’s about to die from starvation.”

”I’ll hurry, crazy broad.” Doyle muttered from the counter. “Always on my case. Bitch.”

“You sure he’s okay with this?” Buffy asked her.

“Yeah, totally.” Faith smirked. “Don’t worry about Doyle.”

“Okay.” Buffy nodded and resumed their conversation. “So, who’s the new guy?”

“Guy? There’s no guy.” Faith shook her head.

“No?” Buffy asked. “Then why have you been overly peppy the last month or so? Or how bout the fact that you’ve been able to buy actual clothes to put on your back? Or the fact that you bought me a new outfit to wear tonight? I know you ain’t getting paid that much from your ‘dates’.”

“Okay.” Faith replied after a few minutes. “But you have to promise not to tell anyone, though. Okay?”

“Promise.” Buffy swore. “Just tell me.”

“Okay, it started when I was here about a week ago.” Faith explained. “I’m dancing, doin’ my thing when this hottie comes up to me. Offers to buy me a drink.”

“Faithie found herself a little sugar daddy.” Buffy joked.

“Shut up.” Faith slapped her. “I haven’t even seen him since….We’re going out next week, though.”

“Oh, so there’s dates set.” Buffy’s eyebrow raised.

“It’s not a date. It’s just two adults going out for a good time.” Faith remarked.

“He’s getting the pootie, isn’t he?” Buffy scoffed. “Oh my God! You’re going to give him the pootie!”

“There’s no pootie having.” Faith reiterated.

“Oh, he’s so getting the pootie.” Buffy told her. “You forget, Faith, that I know you. We’ve been best friends since we were tykes. So, I know when there’s pootie having. And you are definitely giving him the pootie.”

“Whatever.” Faith rolled her eyes.

“Faith, you love sex. Of course there is going to be pootie.” Buffy reminded her.

“Oh, right. I do, don’t I?” Faith smiled. “Still don’t understand why you find it so appalling.”

“I never said I find it appalling, Faith. I just said that I think there’s something more to it than selling your body to some stranger for quick cash.” Buffy explained.

“God, you sound like a TV movie of the week.” Faith told her.

“At least I admit that.” Buffy joked. “So, what is his name?”

“Name?” Faith repeated.

“Yes. Said guy has to have a name.” Buffy teased. “Although with your track record, maybe it is better if there’s not. We don’t want another Bubba in the family, do we?”

“You are never gonna let me live that down , are you?” Faith asked.

“Just as much as you’ll let me live down the farmboy incident.” Buffy replied.

“Which is never.” Faith retorted.

“So, we are even then.” Buffy told her. “Name, please.”

“Alright, fine. You win.” Faith admitted. “His name is Lindsey McDonald.”

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